
Are you a Misandrist, a Misogynist, or a Misanthropist?

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Misandry is the hatred of men and boys, like misogyny is the hatred of girls and women. Or misanthropy, hatred of the human species.

All three things are behavioural abberations. Which are you or do you consider yourself to be none of these?




  1. what do you call someone who hates feminists?(not women) just feminists, caus that's what I am.

  2. I am often labelled a misogynist for criticising feminist policy and questioning the validity of its continued existence

    But I actually like the women that matter :)

  3. No, no, and no.

  4. Frankly, Celtish, it's come to the point that nothing summarizes exactly what I am better than this tune by the Artist Eminem - The Way I Am.

    I'm whatever modern Feminists choose to call me, I simply don't even know who or what I am anymore.  Please see citation below.

    *Below is the "cleanly" version, but you may wish to search for the real version to truly understand my feeling on the matter.

  5. I don't know. I generally have compassion for people at large, but people irritate me daily and it isn't really their fault. I know this... it's me. Today I made a real effort to be nice to my customers and it went well, I had a couple of good conversations, made a pen pal, and had an Iraqi teach me to write my name and my children's names in Arabic.

    I'll probably end up the same tomorrow... wondering why that guy has to breathe through his mouth and why that girl chews with her mouth open...

  6. i'm a ms.

  7. Misanthropist, as my hatred for the general population isn't directed towards one specific gender...among all the **** you people come up with as questions just so you can pass some grade 3 project on Columbus or get an 'A' on a grade 4 test, this is actually a good question. Nicely done.  

  8. None of the above.  I just wish we could all pull our collective heads out of our you-know-where's and realize that the constant fighting and trying to get one over on the other person is unnecessary.

  9. I am none of those.

  10. A little of all three

  11. Get a load of this now we're stooping down to calling ourselves by negatives; not good, not good at all.  I am a person, who has faults;  I am a person who has good qualities.  I am a female person of the human-race with a female name.

  12. If there is such a thing as Retardothropy than I have it, I hate idiots.

  13. I would like to be a fully-fledged misanthropist, but lack the committment.  I do my best though.  My role model is Florence King, author of 'With Charity toward none: A fond look at misanthropy'.

  14. I'm neither of the above, if i could label myself anything it would be Humanist.

  15. None of the above, thankfully.

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