
Are you a Republican or Democrat voting for the opposing party?

by Guest45011  |  earlier

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Are you a Republican or Democrat voting for the opposing party?




  1. I'm an independent, and I'll be voting Obama for this election.  I started out very excited about McCain (I'd been hoping he would win back in 2000).  The more he pandered to the extreme social conservatives during the primary season, the more uncomfortable I got, though, and in the last couple of months I've been pretty torn.  Given McCain's age and less than stellar health, it all hinged for me on his choice of VP.  If he'd chosen a centrist, he would probably have had me, but Sarah Palin scares the c**p out of me.  I'm definitely now in the Obama camp.

  2. Independant voting Republican this year. After seeing the foul attacks in the media and on the internet, I will probably never vote Democrat again.

  3. Lifelong Dem, all for McCain.

  4. Nope.

  5. yes and no..i will vote republican when it comes to the president.i only see one qualified candidate


    in our local election i tend to vote democrat

  6. I think most answers will be wolves hiding in sheeps clothing - check their other answers unless they are set on private...

    Most Y!A answerers in politics are liars anyway...

    I'm an Independent that will be voting Democrat this year - if this country had been properly run the last 7 years. McCain had my vote in 2000...

  7. I use to be a Democrat a long time ago but I can't stomach them anymore  on the surface the Democrats appear more compassionate but they are really the party of dependency and when you analyze it any human being that solely depends on someone whether it be a child that won't move out or a spouse without any type of Independence is inevitable heading for trouble.

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