
Are you a believer ?

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who believes, on waiting until marriage to have s*x ?

I am, a believer but is there enough people like me out there ?




  1. Yup, 14 on my way To HS. Not Having s*x till im married, s*x is a great thing, It's best to wait until your with the person you really love.

  2. I am not a believer in that. Ill give u a legitamit reason why. I believe that s*x iz a way to express how much u love sum1. Love iz wanting what iz best for ur spouce. Love iz an urge to be able to protect, comfort and make happy. s*x iz 1 of many recreationz that u can do to fullfill theze 3 urgez. s*x iz a recreation that, if u know how to do it rite, can be extremely comforting.

    Now there iz a big misunderstanding here. THIS IZ A DELICATE recreation. I dont believe u should have s*x until u have grown up into an adult and FULLY (I do repeat FULLY) understand what it iz like to live on ur own, and have to work to pay ur own billz and ur own food. That way u know the full responsablity of wut it would be like to have to raise a kid. And will be much more cautious of how u have s*x.

    MJHDarknite: If u would like to debate with me u can look up my name and chat with me. Im on Myspace, Chatango, MSN (Windows Live)

  3. I admit I wasn't a believer.  The guy I am dating now wants to wait so we are.  I really prefer it this way, most of the time.  Given the fact that I know what I am not getting, it makes it hard.  However when you show affection and are close in other ways, I think it works.  It's been almost a year since I did last... I am looking forward to getting to some, am waiting eagerly ;)  Good luck!!

  4. totally, i get teased for it :-p but i don't care

    like how could you do that with anyone you don't really love,


    +it makes marriage so much more exciting lol

  5. I thank God for you and I pray there are more that will wait. You will have a beautiful marriage if you do. God bless you

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