
Are you a brand junkie

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After being told something we have known for years that Kids are bullying other kids over brand names, Which are you are you a brand junkie or do you wear whatever you want?

I have to admit i'm a bit of a brand junkie.




  1. I'm not worried if my clothes aren't branded.  I just dont see the point in wearing something that costs £65 when i can get one for £20 that looks as good and hangs the same way.

    but as i wear trainers in my nursing job i do buy more expensive ones as they have to be comfy with being on our feet all day.

    but im afraid i am a a brand junkie when it comes to tomato soup, tomato sauce, or  baked just has to be Heinz

  2. Not really

    Most of my clothes come from high street shops like Top Shop and that's hardly a brand that you associate with 'brand' clothes

    I also have a load of clothes that I use for when I'm at a rally with the dogs, nothing special, just cheap clothes that I can get really dirty and not care about

    I will admit thought that all my shoes, bags and sunglasses are brand named

    But they are the only things

  3. A few years ago, I did, now it's whatever is comfortable and fits nice

  4. I don't seek out specific brands (except Levi) I just look to see what is appealing and what fits the best.

  5. i have to buy a certain kind of coffee because it fits in the coffee machine, does that count ??? lol

    no way would i buy something just because it was a branded name in fact the name alone makes me more inclined to leave it on the shelf and not even look. i refuse to pay full price for anything i always wait for the sales because i refuse to be ripped off, my sister is a next junkie and her belongs cost twice as much as mine but do they look twice as nice, no probably not. xx

  6. I like quality goods and tend to stay loyal to certain brands but they're not the one's that scream 'ludicrously expensive'.

    I'm also quite happy to shell out a lot more for a classic that's well made and will last the test of time.Some branded items are out of fashion in a couple of months and really are a waste of money.

  7. Definitely not. After my nephew, then six years old, told me that ADIDAS meant "All Day I Dream About s*x" I developed an aversion to wearing things with logos on them.

    Apart from anything else if a company wants me to walk around advertising them they should pay me for the service.

    Having said that I have been known to buy branded clothes for much the same reasons as yourself. But, over the years, I have become expert at unpicking embroidered logos without leaving a trace.

  8. I wear whatever I find in the thrift store that fits me.

  9. I hate brands

  10. I prefer the cut, fit, and quality of a good subtle brand.

  11. Brands are generally targeted at people with very low self-esteem. Impressionable people.

  12. no i cant stand the s*x pest

  13. I just wear what I want.

    Whatever I think looks good, doesn't have to be overpriced and stuff.


  14. Never have, and never will. I only wear what I want to, not because it has a certain name printed somewhere on it.

  15. Sorry but where I am from the more brand obsessed you are the more likely you are to be a thick scally.

    Occasionally there will be a brand that is worth the extra, I'm talking clothes here btw not food or other stuff.

    All that baloney about shoes and bags make me howl..waiting lists? For a bleedin' bag? I can't identify with that mindset at all. I just think I'm not a 'visual' person, I don't look at peoples clothes cos it's only a superficial indication of who they are.

    How many times have you seen either a man or a woman who is really stylish, you love the clothes they have on, their whole look...and then they turn out to be a total fcukwit?

  16. Only when I am in the charity shop!!!

    The only real brand item I have is a pair of Camper shoes, I may add that they hardly ever come out of the box.

    My younger son only ever wears branded goods, he would rather have just one pair of branded jeans that a wardrobe full of cheaper stuff.  But then he is single and can afford it.

    P.S.  He's not a chav, he's a teacher. lol

    Horses for courses I guess.

    Edit.. I forgot, I have a black Shubette, it will be 30 years old at Christmas!!!

  17. not at all... I hate wearing branded clothes, especially if they display the logo on the exterior of the garment

  18. does only buying clothes from cotton traders the mail order company count as a brand junkie? if so then i am one all my clothes are bought from them

  19. no, i buy what i like ,and what is comfortable ,you pay through the nose for brand names and they are no different.

  20. I suppose in a way i am but saying that i don't buy certain clothes because of the brand i buy clothes i like that usually happen to be brand names, its more about i liking the style than whats on the label

  21. Not really no.  I prefer the brands that arent displayed on the clothing if I am going to buy something expensive.  Most of the time I'm happy with Primark though lol

  22. No, especialy if they are plastered all over the outside of the clothes.

    Quality branded clothes are understated, and i dont mind those. I buy what i like though, the brand name is irrelevant.

    I think the type of kids that are most obsessed with brands and are most involved in the bullying are the uneducated hoodie/chav types......these kids tend to be obsessed with the crappy imported African American Hip Hop and Rap Culture and the scummy attitudes that go with it.

    They fight over brands of trainers, baseball caps, shell suits etc...all VERY sad.

  23. Don't give a flying frog what's on the label!!

  24. I saw a dress in TK Maxx yesterday by a designer my daughter positively drooled over (I cant remember who it was) and quite frankly for  a retail price of £129 I would want it to look a whole lot better than it did. I am not against brands I like expensive shoes Gina and Manolos but as I live in a rural environment I tend to wear Hunter wellies and Toggi if I have to name brands, but Next and Debenhams are where I go if I do have to brave the shops for something nice, which isnt very often.
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