
Are you a bridge-burner?

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I know I am!

I understand that this may have to change as I leave college and enter the "real" world. But I just don't like rudeness! It's a pet-peeve of mine. And why should I go out of my way to accommodate someone whose attitude turned me off to the point where I don't even want to share breathing space with them? Honestly?

What do you think?




  1. You will find as you grow older that being able to keep your emotions under control, and being able to tolerate even the most obnoxious jack a55 in the world will not only make you an exceptional partner, friend, employee, wife, etc. but it also gives you tremendous power. When someone pisses you off and you show them that their idiotic behavior doesn't bother you, they immediately lose ALL their "power". They look like fools and you look like a cool, calm, emotionally mature, strong person.

    If you let your emotions get the best of you in life, people will not respect you, you will have poor relationships, fewer job offers and promotions, and you will be angry most of the time. I am not being harsh, I am being totally serious. It is a proven fact that people with low emotional quotients suffer in almost every aspect in their lives. And constantly burning bridges is a sign of a low emotional quotient. So begin disciplining yourself today to "suck it up" and return kindness for insults, maturity for idiocy.

    Now, sometimes, of course, some people should be ignored or removed from your life for various reasons- but only in really extreme cases. Those relationships are usually few and far between though.

    Good luck. I hope you are able to grow and use your emotions to benefit your life rather than hold you back!

  2. I agree with you. But you don't have to burn can just avoid the people that annoy you. You will be surprised how much people will change with age. Some of the rudest people that I knew at your age have grown and become some really nice and decent people. Never burn bridges, just keep your distance as best that you can when you feel that you need to.

    Best Wishes

  3. I try not to be, but I have had some people I wished no longer to associate with and they just wouldn't go away. I tried to be polite to them, then I finally just had to burn that bridge. It got tiresome dealing with them. I tried to drift from them naturally but they just wouldn't let it happen. I would like to if I ran into them again say hello and be nice. Now if I run into them they are gonna have an attitude with me. OH well.

  4. Don't burn bridges, often times the other person won't build it back! I know a lot of b*****s who think they're special because they got good jobs out of college. Let's see what happens in the long run.

  5. I agree with you 100%.  I'm the exact same way.  Common sense and common courtesy go a long way.  If a person can't make the effort to show the same respect that I give them, they aren't worth my time and when I'm done with a person, I'm done.

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