
Are you a clutz?

by  |  earlier

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If so, how do you know?




  1. Yup , it pisses me off too,

    tried to not be that way but  it is what I is.

  2. YESS! I'm always like running into things and people, and i can lose my balance while walking....its very very very sadd, but funny to watch

    also my friends always say I'm a clutz so that's pretty much how i knoww.

  3. yes i went to the mall yesturday and dropped my bags like 4-5 times

  4. Yes, omg! I've run into walls and doors, slipped in ice and fell in a puddle and when i tried to get back up i fell back into the puddle, and i've kicked myself while running and made myself fall.

  5. do you trip every 5 seconds do you end up with pizza all over your shirt even though you ate chinese if you see these signs you just might be a klutz

  6. Nope...

    It's make it hard to curl if I was...

  7. Big time. I'm very accident prone.

    I'm always cutting myself on the oddest things. Like a couple of days ago I cut myself with a plastic knife. I'm always tripping over something, running into something, smashing my fingers, dropping something. It's sad.

  8. on wednesdays.

  9. yes i fall my down my stairs and spill things and drop things all the time with no interfeirence.
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