
Are you a confident individual?

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Are you a confident individual?




  1. nope i got hardly any confidence ..... slowly gettin better but wish i could be a confident person.

  2. I am a vibrant, happy and well-rounded person.

  3. very confident

  4. Mostly, yes.

    But in certain situations I can become less confident than usual.


  6. Yes.

  7. I am confident in some areas of my life, but not in others.

  8. Not really, but You'd never know it.

  9. Yes i would say.

    Thanks for asking

  10. I am secure in my proven abilities.

  11. Nope but i am working on it :0)

  12. Not really, i force myself at times.

  13. Somewhat...of course my insecurities sneak out at the worst times. When I was younger, I was not--I hate that. I missed out on a lot of things then.

  14. hey! thanks for answering my question!

    as you can probably tell no i'm not! i'm far from it!!

  15. Most of the time yes, especially with my own abilities.  But sometimes through an offhand comment or if I make a mistake, my confidence can become seriously dented at least temporarily lol

  16. A LOT more so than I used to be.  The college scene really helped me out.

  17. I am confident in the areas that I am good at. Rather paradoxically, I am also incredibly anxious about the same things.

  18. I just dont have the confidence to answer the question.  Part of me says I'm confident, the other part says I'm not.

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