
Are you a curious person or just nosey?

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Are you a curious person or just nosey?




  1. lolz, both i have to know everything :D

  2. I think I am a bit of both, more curious than nosey. That, however, is usually only regarding the concerns of close friends and family. Alas, I simply don't have time considering my uni course work to give a shake or a sheep's bleat unless someone outside the closest circle (friends, family, godparents) particularly seeks me out.

    "Uni makes one a changed person--in my old age I will become a nosey git again!"  

  3. Curious but never nosey.  But put them together and that would describe my cats!

  4. Neither. I have gained a lot of experiences over the years, and if someone needs advice, they come to me for help. I know a lot about a lot of things, and offer my opinion based on experience, to those who ask. And I mean that in a nice way.

  5. I'm curious when and where I need to be and nosy when and where I need to be.  

  6. curious, and somewhat nosey (:

  7. Curious. I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge.

    I'm a spermologer, I collect trivia.

    Love the rain hat hehehehehe.

  8. A little curious.  But, my husband tells me what I need to know. He is curious about everybody we know.  Watches the neighbors, the family, even keeps tabs on the news people on TV.

  9. depends on circumstances n situation

  10. Both, haha!

  11. both, mixed with "slightly odd" and yet perfectly sane.. lol..  

  12. neither i just listen and hear a lot.

  13. I am inquisitive thank you very much.. and the word is journalistic interests. :P  

  14. Curious, I guess because I know when to stop asking questions. Nosey people just keep firing the Q's.

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