
Are you a cynical person?

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With all the lying, scams, and deceptions going on today, is it difficult for you to trust anybody or believe that they're telling the truth? Can you take people for face value with no problems?




  1. I judge each person I meet for the individual.  In most cases, I will trust a person, until they give me a reason not to.

    If somebody was a liar, scammer or deceiver...than I would judge them unworthy, and in that case the question of trust is off the table.  Then just put them out of my realm completely.

  2. I'm not a cynic, but I am a realist and I believe you have to keep your eyes open and ask questions. There are many scams going on out there, but for all that there is still beauty in this life and there are honest people, real heroes and genuine victims who should not be dismissed because of the cheaters of this life.

    I've developed good instincts and I trust God and my instincts to both assist me in making my judgment calls on things. i believe it is an error to become a cynic just as it is an error to be universally accepting. I have to be discerning - it is the cost of living in the times we are in.

  3. I don't really believe in trust, as such.  I take people at face value, if I think they may have some ability to act to my detriment, I take steps to remove that risk - I do this whether I 'trust' them or not and that way, trust becomes irrelevant.  I only take steps to establish whether somebody is telling the truth if it is of personal consequence for me - otherwise, it doesn't affect me anyway :-)

  4. good points Yes i trust people, yet am careful about time and money

    yet, most people in life we deal with are in legal business, so it is most all good.  and if someone offers you a deal, usually something is illegal in it, then dont go for it.

    but distrusting everyone can make us live a paranoid life.

    David in Jesus amazin grace

  5. I don't believe cynical may be the right word to describe making sure you don't get taken for a ride by someone. Keeping safe, cautious and careful, would be reserved to describe that. Cynical descibes a person who is totally negative all of the time about everything. I don't believe being careful is being negative. I used to hitch, but since I've been watching C & I I've learnt better, besides once there was this incident where the person who gave me a lift tried to turn off the road and I threw my car door open and ran, lucky for me I managed to ditch him, but if I hadn't, he was twice the size of me, I would have stood little chance perhaps.

  6. could be second nature to love whomever should come before you...

    ...trusting anyone, whoever, is another thing altogether:

    Psalm 118:8

    It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man

    Philippians 3:3

    For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh...

  7. Absolutely not, this is exactly why I never leave my house.

  8. Cynicism has to be nurtured. It is not natural. It is born of disillusionment, of broken promises and shattered dreams. I know from bitter experience.

    However, there is an antidote to cynicism. In spite of broken trust, lies and pain, I have learned that whilst we cannot take people at face value, we can take Jesus Christ as the genuine article, the truth, the WORD of GOD, and we can depend upon Him.

    People are full of sin. They can't help it. I am. You are. We all are, full of sin. Yet God, in his wisdom, presents us with the solution - faith in Jesus Christ.

    I don't know where your problems stem from. All I can tell you, sister, is that the solution is Jesus, the Christ, and him resurrected. Put not your faith in people, but put your faith in him who died for us, who loved us so much he laid down his life that we might live.

    Please email me if your'e going through a really difficult time right now - I don't know what I can do, but I feel for you, sweetheart. God bless you.

  9. NO not always,but I beleive that everyone deserves a chance,I usually follow my first imperision on some one,and watch there Actions,Actions speak louder than words.

  10. We have to be very careful with people like they are Wolves around us.

    It is hard trust people, because they have skill or good with Silver-tongued.

    Lot of people are game, I am sorry to say that; But it is true.

    You have to know the person first and know that person for years!

    You can not trust anyone less than five years and act like you know them well.

    It like Bible say " Don't Judge people" and "don't tell a lies"

    That why i have to see if anyone break God's word like they judge or tells lies.

    Yes we are humans but we are humans to watch our back.

  11. I am a strange combination of utterly cynical but trusting in many ways. This is entirely in keeping with the rest of my condradictory personality (volatile but easygoing, intellectual but crass - you get the idea)

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