
Are you a dad and where you present at your childs birth?

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if so guys, I am just interested,

1. are you glad you witnessed the birth?

2. and what feelings did you have as you witnessed your baby being born?

3. do you recommend it to other prospective daddies?

4. other comments?

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  1. I am glad i was there

    Mainly scared **** less, then very happy and exhausted.

    Yes, I think it helps bonding with the child.

    Expect to be both verbally and physically abused as you'll be blamed for getting your wife into the pain shes in.

  2. It may not be relevant to your question/s. But I just needed to say that if I ever had the chance, and my future wife ever wanted me there for the birth, I would love to be there. I can imagine it being a truly bonding moment for any couple and their newborn.

    Before converting to a psychology major, I was a med student. I was aiming to specialize in family medicine. During a maternity rotation, I actually helped to deliver a baby. Long story. But- that was the biggest thing I had ever had happen to me in my entire life. To hold a tiny little person. It actually brought tears to my eyes.

  3. I watched all three of my children being born and I'm extremely glad. I can't imagine not being there, it's amazing to watch your own child being born. I was truly overwhelmed all three times and I can't explain the joy it brings to be there. I would definitely recommend it, it's mad not to want to be there.

  4. I'm not a Dad, but my fiance was there when both of our children were born. It was never a question for him, he definitely wanted to see our children born. He stayed at the head end though. I think it would have freaked him out too much to see the crowning!!!

    He did say it was very hard seeing me in so much pain and knowing he couldn't do anything about it.He did say similar to what i said though, as soon as the baby was out he forgot all about it. I would not have thought badly of him if he needed a break from it though.

  5. I'm not a Dad, but a mom who gave birth 16 months ago.  My husband was present at the birth, and I would hope, was glad he witnessed it.  I just have to add my two cents - if he had not attended the birth, i would have been irate.  What kind of a father does not attend the birth of their own child?  We are not living in the 1960's anymore, where moms are sedated and Dads are told to sit in the waiting room until baby is born.  

    Dads today are way more involved than in the past.  What better way to bond with your baby from birth?  The minute my daughter was born, I held for a few minutes then passed her to Daddy to give him a chance to bond with her too.  It was the best thing I have ever done.  Despite his claims before the birth that he would enjoy the baby more when she was older, he bonded with her instantly the moment he held her in his arms after her birth.  He also cut the cord, which he said he would never do!

    So yes, I would recommend that all dads attend the birth of their baby, to me this is not even a question.

    Edit - Yes, some men find it very stressful.  My husband was one of them.  The only time I got upset with him was when it was time to administer the epidural.  He didn't really want to watch it but thought I wanted him there so he was kind of asking.  I told him in no uncertain terms that if he was going to leave to GO NOW!   We also had some complications during our delivery that he found extremely stressful, but he was still very supportive and tried not to show his anxiety because I was freaking out.  Enjoy it!

  6. Being in the medical field, the doctor actually let me "catch" my son when he was born as well as cut the cord.  I wouldnt trade my experience for the world. You would be crazy not to be there to witness the birth.

  7. My wife's doctor actually requested that I be present at as many of her doctor's appointments as possible while she was pregnant.  At first I was thinking ok, I have to take time out of work for a 10 minute appointment, for what.  After the first appointment I realized how important my sharing of support was to my wife.  I wouldn't have missed the birth of either of my three children.  I think I was more excited than my wife.  There is something completely magic about seeing that baby's head crown and realizing your  life has just changed forever.

  8. I was at both my childrens births and it was amazing and I feel that all men should try it.

  9. I have 5 sons, and I'm pregnant with twins, and my husband was at 3/5 of the births. If he could've been at the other 2, (he was away on business/family matters), he definetely would have, and he will be there for the twins birth!

    My older sons as well were present for their younger siblings births.

    1. Yes, he was definetely glad he witnessed them. The joy on his face as I was told to push every time was motivation enough for me to keep going on.

    2. He felt overwhelmed (especially the first time!), yet extremely happy to witness the miracle of his baby being brought into the world.

    3. I'm sure he would. There is no experience more magical than watching the commencement of human life.

    4. He should be prepared to see a lot of blood and other stuff. If that's a problem, this experience might not be the best idea.

    If it is hard labor/a difficult birth, he definetely needs to know how to help out his wife by calming her etc.

  10. I'm an Auntie and witnessed my niece's birth along with my mum and my niece's dad. My dad had to sit outside as he'd just had an operation so the more the merrier. It was the most amazing experience to share and so emotional. You have so much love for this tiny person as soon as they enter the world. My niece was blue and not breathing so it was a rough start for here but as there a few of us in there mummy could be distracted whilst the mid wives attended to the baby. we didn't tell mummy until everything was ok and the baby was finally crying! I'd recommend dad's being present at the birth not just to witness something truly wonderful but also as mummy needs as much help and support as she can get, its very tough!

  11. My dad was at home looking after my brother when my mum went into labour with me. They never really thought of it being bad as it was the only option, as it was the middle of the night and my brother was only 2 and a half!

  12. 2 out of the three.

    One of them yes, one no,the first was a happy event the second, I was not allowed nearby, and sat across the room from.

    Yes I recommend it to fathers, but if there is no involvement, then they may as well go to a pub for a couple of hours.

    As for bonding, then I have to say, that of all my children, the only one that I can say I bonded with, was the child that I was not present at the birth of, mainly because when the divorce came, he was old enough to understand that his mother was lying through her back teeth, the younger ones did not, and still do not, understand the truth, and will never believe it anyway, end of a relationship, it can never be brought back to life now.. It is just too late,.

    Bonding is not caused by watching a birth alone, it takes time and effort to happen, and is easily destroyed when a member applies obstructive behaviour and bile, when they are being vindictive to the other during divorce, I wonder what women think they achieve when they do this to their children    ????

  13. I am not a dad but my husband was there when our last three kids were born (he adopted the oldest).  When we had our first daughter he was terrified of being in the delivery room but he was right there couching me through it all the way and he made sure he got to cut the umbilical cord etc.  he was amazed at the whole process and the only time he freaked out was when they went to give me the epidural.  he say the needle and it going towards my back and had to leave the room.

    With the second one it was scary because he was 6 weeks early and it was touch and go.  When he was born he was blue and we didn't think he was going to make it.  Again my husband was right there.

    The last one well he was out of town when I went into labor so we called him and told him to head home.  He made it clear he didn't care if I had to stand on my head I better keep him in until he got there, he made it with 10 minutes to spare but again he was there to cut the cord and welcome him into the world.

    My husband wouldn't have missed it for the world and tells all his buddies going through it to just breath deep and think about the end result not the nasty stuff and they will be fine.

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