
Are you a democrat, republican,or independent and why?

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I am not sure of what I am. I don't like George Bush though. I think that I am a independant but I am not sure.




  1. I am generally conservative, but I vote for the person not the party.  I look at all the issues, see what makes sense to me personally, and that does not equate with the platforms of either major party, which is why I look at each candidate individually and not based on party label.

  2. I'm an Independent and have always voted for the person not just on party lines. I was a democrat in my 20's, went Republican in my 30's and on my 40th birthday I changed to Independent.

    I can't vote on just one issue. Most politicians make ONE issue their line of fire. Many people vote because of one issue.

    Independents tend to weigh the bad and good and go with what is closest to what they would want to see changed.

  3. Here's a guiding star " We are family" at loss and stranded on planet earth.

    Just an ape-man came along passing by and saw the mess out there.

    Reaching out and extend a helping hands with " He's ain't heavy he's my brother"

    Helping solve the misery of living human kind for the good of mankind on planet earth.

  4. There are just some of the most AMAZING answers above me.  I agree with them.  Vote for the person, not the party.  Use your head, don't vote along party lines.  Moving away from the two major political parties.  All Awesome.  

    I hope to see third party candidates get much more attention and actually become competitive.  That will force the Dems and Reps to wise up or wither away.

  5. Independent means you make a decision based on the person, not on the political party.

    Which is what I think everyone should do.

    It's not a two-party country -- and there are far more complexities in the issues than can be summaries on a 'left-right' spectrum.

    Figure out where you stand on the issues that are important to you, and vote for a candidate that advocates the policies that you would support.

    Don't worry about party. Look beyond to the issues.

  6. Well, they way I've heard it is this:

    democrat = don't like the way things are going and want change

    republican = old-fashioned and want to stick to how things are now

    independent = can change your mind whenever, don't have to settle for one party.  choose who you want based on what appeals to you about the person and/or their issues.

    But really, why label yourself?  I'm not old enough to vote yet so I don't know if you have to put "democrat, republican or independent" on the ballot but if you don't, then that's great.  Look at the people in government who are actually doing good and solving people's problems and so who cares what "party" you are?  As long as things get done and the people are better for it.

  7. I am unaffliated because I have a brain. I make up my own mind who I want to vote for or support.

  8. Im a Independent and the reason is I see people drifting away from the liars who run the 2 main parties in a kind of revolution to fix what is wrong with our country today, I don't see a shooting revolution coming but more of a refusal to be part of the current system and choose from the lesser of 2 evils, everyone on here is talking about it, and I want to be part of fixing the system. You might as well face it, if you go with the Dems or Repubs you are hurting your country.

  9. IND.

    I vote the person not the party

    Bush is great

    mc cain is a spithead

    leberman is great

    all dems to me suck so I go IND and lean way to the rep side

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