
Are you a democrat or republican...?

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and what is the definition of each?

I have heard countless garbage from the media about these two parties going at it with each other, especially with the presidential elections, but can't see why.

Why should America stand divided?

Are we not the United States of America?

Is it wrong to be one who stands for unity and forever freedom?

Tell me if you agree that we are Americans (if citizen of U.S.) no matter what else we tend to call ourselves or be labeled or write down on our paperwork.

Also, tell me if you agree that we are to the people, by the people, and for people. And that we ARE the people...

A final word is that you will not forget the Constitution, the Preamble, the meaning of Independence Day next week, and that you will not give up your liberties for security.

For God and country...United We Stand.




  1. Obama...that said a lot of flowery nothing.

  2. There seems to be no distinct difference in either party.  Both are wolves in sheeps clothing seeking to devour.

    I am a conservative first and formost.  I believe in the Constitution of these United States, and strict constructionalism following it.   The federal government should have no powers not granted to it by the Constitution.

    The rest are states and individual issues.

  3. I am a Conservative Democrat. I don't like Big Business or Big Government. I like to see the trickle up economic system as opposed to the trickle down like the Republican Philosophy. It would be nice to see different levels of economic ladders instead of having the Rich get Richer and the poor become poorer. It would also be nice if we were financially responsible. Having money for emergencies if trouble should arise.

  4. lol... i lik the answer underneath me... but i am a democrat. i was for hilary, but since i just cannot stand having a muslim as a president, i will be going for McCain even though i am not old enough 2 vote.

  5. i  used to be a democrat. Now I work and pay taxes and am a republican. Republicans are for keeping money for the ones who earn it. Democrats are for giving handouts for lazy people who want a free ride. Republicans are for doing the right thing according to the way our forefathers did it, Democrats are for doing what is most likely gonna get us sent to h**l.

  6. I don't think it makes any difference as the Electoral College or the not so " Super Delegates " decide who they want for the next President.

    Why in the world would anyone spend millions of dollars on a grinding schedule for a job that pays around $400,000 per year. It has to be for the power. Out of the millions of highly qualified people in the US, why do we have to choose between two losers who aren't mentally balanced enough to run our country ?

  7. Hey, Hussein!  A lot of words to say nothing.  I'm an independent who tends to vote Republican because I resent the Democrats buying votes with welfare and give aways by taxing my hard earned money.

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