
Are you a dentist or studying to become one? (IL)

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... i'm at the start of my journey & and would like some recommendations or advice regarding school direction:


Does it matter which school you satisfy your prerequisites? community college vs. a university? ( i currently have a BA having only taken CHM I out of all the sciences)

Should beginning science classes be taken at a community college; then attend a graduate school before dental school? since I have a BA degree should I apply directly to a graduate program?

I'm currently enrolled for classes at a community school for Fall 08

What is the likely-hood I will be accepted to a dental program if ALL my SCIENCE CLASSES were taken at a community college rather than a graduate program or program from a university?


How can I tell which colleges in IL would be both highly considered and reasonably priced per credit hour ( both pre-dental & dental schools) ?

(@ UIC - the only ADA approved school in IL) out of 1700 applicants ONLY 68 are accepted - competitive. Would it be better to pay higher out of state tuition costs for easier entry into a DDS program?


What would be the best way to go about shadowing a dentist?




  1. Dental school is highly competitive. Actually I did all of my Science requirement at a Juinor College and it didn't affect me getting in. The DAT score is one factor thats important because you have to score high on that to compete for a spot. If I were you, I would be talking to the Admissions department at the school you want to attend, and keep in touch with them. It helps if you are not just another name among 1800 applicants. Basically everyone applying is going to have a high GPA and a high DAT score, so get to know the admisions director....Its not going to be easier trying to apply out of state...

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