
Are you a dog or cat person?

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Are you a dog or cat person?




  1. I don't like dogs that slobber.

    I like the way that cats bury their poo.

    Cats are snobs but funny.

    I would have to say dogs - they are so enthusiastic and happy. They can love their owners.

    Watch this cute cat video - you won't regret it;...

  2. i hate dogs and am allergic to cat hair, so uhh am screwed!...

    i have fish!

  3. personally i like humans. but thats just me

  4. Give me a dog any day!  

  5. Both but not a bird person

  6. Cats!

  7. I'm both because you get a special bond with a dog and a cat

  8. While I like dogs and have had several of them over the years, I do prefer the company of cats. I find their companionship to be more subtle and less needy. Some cat people would make the claim that cats don't chew your shoes up, drool all over you or bark all night keeping you awake but I have had cats that chewed stuff up, drooled all over me and meowed all night keeping me awake. It's the whole neediness and attention getting habits that dogs have that make me prefer cats.

  9. CAT. My cat cuddles with me every night, knows how to shake "hands", and I don't have to walk him in pouring rain.

    Dogs smell bad, and are a pain because they are so NEEDY. Worse than taking care of an infant.

  10. dog ftw!

    cats are cute... but the bond created between dogs and humans is unique... you cant get that from cats...

  11. I live in a zoo with my uncle so i like all animals though i a more  of a tiger person

  12. Cats most definatley. I like dogs, but not enough to have one

  13. Both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any animals really

  14. Both i love all animals.


  15. Dog.  I just don't have any luck with cats.  I always get the moody hateful ones I guess.  I have two cats now (there my dd) that dont even want to be held.  I like pets I can actually pet.  As a child I had the best most loveable cat, but I have never found another one like her.  Plus IMO dogs are much easier to bond with.  My dog is part of the family (like every dog I've ever had) cats are just cats.

  16. Puppies and kittens

    They're cuter xD

  17. I do like dogs but I am more of a cat person and if I ever saw a dog attack my cats I would put my life on the line to save them from the dog, which would mean me turning on that dog big time.

  18. Cat.

  19. i wrk in a zoo, and we have big cats, i adore them , so im gonna have to say cats wether big or small,  

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