
Are you a drug User? is your friend a doctor? do you have sweats?

by  |  earlier

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Someone cares enough about you, is there anyone within this circle of influence that fits this descripttion?




  1. Huh?

    Yeah, I use drugs- Claritin and Ibuprophin, mostly.

    Is my friend a doctor?.. I don't have any friends that are doctors, but I do have a friend that is a nurse- does that count?

    Do I have sweats? I have night sweats occasionally- it's kinda yucky, really, waking up drenched in sweat.

  2. drug user - h**l yeah, I take weed and dope

    friend a doctor - yeah, a dumbass who almost killed me while stitching me up but he did it on purpose ^_^

    do you have sweats?? - bro, I live in a tropical country and sweats...h**l NO!!! Its already hot but once a while yea


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