
Are you a fan of Maddox and/or Tucker Max?

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Both popular internet bloggers and authors of their own books, these men write with a sarcastic, often controversial flair. Both Maddox and Max have been criticized for their stories about women. A group of parents who discovered that their children were reading Maddox's posts online made the group "Mothers Against Maddox" or "MAM"

Anyway, if you've heard of either of these 2 men (who are quite popular on the internet so I'm always surprised when people haven't), are you a fan of theirs? Someone recently called me a "woman hater" and "disgusting" for finding both of these men hilarious. What are your thoughts?




  1. Some of Maddox's rants are amusing, never heard of the other guy. I don't think people should take things too literally or seriously; I mean it is the internet. Every Tom, d**k, and Shirley has a web page.

  2. Tucker Max is okay, but he's trying too hard.

    Maddox is absolutely hysterical.  I take all his work with a grain of salt, but it is incredibly funny, how over the top it is.  On the back of his book, there's a quote from his mother, "Why did you write all this?  We raised you to be a nice boy."  Or something like that.

    The reason I like Maddox so much is there is no gray area with him.  He loves something passionately, or he hates it with abandon.  There is a defined line on what is and what is not good/bad.  Beef jerky and lumberjacks are amazing.  Metrosexuals are the devil.

    If you read Maddox without understanding satire/comedic brilliance/hyperbole, you will think he hates all women.  You'd be wrong.

  3. I used to love Maddox, but he's losing his touch. I haven't heard of Tucker Max before, but I'll check it out.

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