
Are you a feminist?

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and in what ways do you reflect it?




  1. I am indeed, and proud of it.

    Ironic that the people usually accusing feminism of being "hateful" tend to be the most bitter, spleen-venting people themselves, isn't it?

  2. Not if you pointed a loaded gun to my head.

  3. No i am not. I believe in the more traditional roles for men and women. I think there us something romantic about a man looking after his wife. May be I just old fashioned.

  4. No, because I am neither angry nor militant. I do not wear overalls, burkinstocks, work boots, vulgar flannel shirts, or a buzzcut. I am not a victim or a whiner. I blame myself for my shortcomings, not the opposite gender. I dont hate stay at home moms, families, or kids. I am not gender-confused or sexually-frustrated. So, as you can see, I dont fit in the "feminist" category at all.

  5. I support equal opportunities for women. But I don't support equal outcome. I don't believe that "gender is a social construct". I don't believe in positive discrimination nor do I want women to be favoured in every aspect of life from law to education to sport.

    I'm a man (obviously) and I am also turned against feminism by the vicious, nastiness of many modern feminists (see the question I just asked and the answer beneath this one).

    So, that's why I'm not a feminist

  6. I am a feminist. I reflect it by expecting nothing other than equitable treatment in every facet of my life.

  7. Am I a self-hating man? No

    edit: I wish more feminists were like you Rio. If they all were i'd definately sign up :)

  8. I am a feminist....the whole world is a personal challenge.  I will change things for the better, and I will shake up the expectations.

  9. Since I am neither a liar nor hypocrite obviously I'm not.

  10. I'm not

  11. No.  I don't hate nobody.

  12. Nope; it never crossed my mind.

    How do I reflect it?  Put a mirror in front of it so that it can see the truth about itself; however, since it's in denial that's not an easy task.

  13. No. I believe that men, women, children and the unborn are of equal worth, and I hope I don't reflect modern feminism at all.  

  14. Yes.

    I reflect it by seeking equality for all, and helping African women in dire need of assistance to escape a cruel existence under misogynistic rule.

  15. I support equal rights and opportunities for women, but am not a feminist because feminism has fought for extra rights for women e.g. see Section 4 here

    The reality of feminism has strayed a long way from the definition of feminism (see Section 1 here

    ... so there is no way that I would call myself a feminist.

  16. No, I don't need a gang of shrieking harpies to defend me, I'm just fine on my own.  

  17. sorry no i'm not..all for equality but i still like my man to take care of most things...not very pc am i but hey..who cares ..xx

  18. NO

  19. I'm a militant humanist, and too politically incorrect to make a good feminist. Any feminism I may manifest is a byproduct of concern for the rights of *all* human beings to life and liberty.

  20. No, I'm not and I fear this philosophy terribly in the modern era.

  21. No, because I don't believe in all their sensationalist values. I sincerely believe in equality between men and women, which is reflected in my relationship with my boyfriend.

  22. Yes I'm a feminist. Feminism is about choice and equality for women. Equal rights was denied to my gender for many years. Because of feminisim, I don't have to depend upon a man for my financial well being or be excluded from certain career and life choices. I don't hate men, I just don't want to be subjugated by them.

    I reflect my feminist ideals by pursuing my career and doing the best job I possibly can, making a way for myself in this world as an independent woman, and encouraging women young and older to go after their goals and live their lives to the fullest. Thanks.
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