
Are you a flight attendant?

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Hey there- I just applied for a Flight Attendant position in my area. I am hoping to attend the interviews in a few weeks and I am wondering what the training is like? I read that they're 4 weeks long so I am hoping one of you readers can tell me what to expect! :) Thanks!!




  1. Let me think, how to handle threats, how to prep passengers for emergency situations, what to do for different types of emergencies, other basic safety stuff. That's basically some stuff you have to learn, I don't know the rest.

  2. no buddy i m a yoga teacher.

  3. sorry im not

  4. I know at the airlines I work at, they go through 2 weeks of class training. After that, I believe they're all good to go. Not sure, as I am a mechanic. Just thought I could give you a little more information than the blokes who have already answered...

  5. nope i wanted to be but unfortunatly  PAl (phhilippine Airlines) requires good visual Impact that thing i failed :(

  6. Hi: I was a flight attendant for most of my adult life for 2 major airlines.  What to expect in training?  The vast majority of  it will be learning the FAA regulations in regard to crew duties while in flight.  You will have to learn the safety equipment operation and location for each type of aircraft the airline has in it's livery.  You will learn city airport codes, first aid, CPR, and how to prepare for an emergency landing and full-scale evacuation.  There will also be classes on service (beverage/meal), but they are few in number.  There is usually a written test about every 2 days. You must maintain a certain average or they will release you from class.  You will need to memorize certain drills and announcements and also be tested on these.  Expect to spend the majority of the 4 weeks in class all day - even some weekends.  You generally have to dress in business attire daily, except for more rigorous classes, where you may wear jeans.  It's really not difficult as long as you pay attention in class and study your homework assignments each and every night.  You will listen to lectures, see slides and videos, participate in 'scenarios', get aboard actual aircraft and mock-aircraft,

    go down evacuation slides (If your airline has larger aircraft),

    get down in the floor for CPR and defibrillator lessons.  Sometimes its tense, but you and your classmates can make it fun.  Good Luck to you.

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