
Are you a football fan more than you are a fan of your club?

by  |  earlier

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For example, would you appreciate good football from even your clubs biggest rival if the 2 were playing eachother in a match?

Thanks and to all a good night!




  1. i think the majority of people who are fans of this great sport will agree that although nothing comes before your own club you still need to be able to appreciate good football when you see it even if it is from a big rival, i have been known on the odd occasion to praise Steven Gerrard! (but don't tell anyone)

  2. lol I think (hope) that guy meant invest.

  3. sorry to say but I'm a win at all costs man.

  4. I my case this is true. I am a football fan but i like a team and also i like to bet...and this have a source.

    I incest more time in football my team and bets

  5. Yeah most people are

    you can't help taking interest in other teams aswell.

  6. Sometimes, I would but only if there were no cheating in that match.

  7. yes i would, i like nothing more than a fantastic game even if it involved Everton and Man U ;-) Credit is given where its due

    edit - In fact i even found myself cheering on Chelsea at some points last year *** hangs head in shame***

    edit - above! Incest???? wtf??? ;-)

  8. Love my team and also appreciate good footy from my rivals. I think PinHead summed it up perfectly. For the record, no family members are

  9. When your team is playing open attacking footie and winning more games than losing,then it's sometimes difficult to appreciate the opposition's style of play...However last seaon there were some good footballing teams in the Championship..Blackpool,Hull City,Ipswich to name a few...teams who didn't just lump the ball up to their strikers and hope for the best...We all want to see attractive opn footie with plenty of goals,ballskills etc, and I think most genuine footie fans of all clubs appreciate the opposition as much as their own team..As they say it takes 2 to tango...Boing Boing!! Ps I think that Stoke will struggle nxt season unless they change their style of play,they don't really have too many creative players in their squad...which also goes for a number of other teams in the Prem.....Oh and to answer your question..Yes I have praised and appreciated Wolves when they play......I think?

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