
Are you a gardener?

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The garden

by C.S. Scotkin

I, for one, can’t wait to see

what Martian soil will bear for me,

when working there for all the hours,

will it bear fruit or will it bear flowers?

What a day! O what a treat!

Souls nourished by our good, red wheat

Ovens of feelings and thoughts shall bake

Bread, cookies with stars and a big plum cake.

Then shall we all, with one accord,

invite the world, across the board,

be us the leaven, O be us the yeast

raise up the spirits, now start the feast.




  1. Wonderful!

    To answer your question:

    I plant stuff

    in the ground,

    it grows,

    we eat it.

    I plant flowers

    and water

    and weed them,

    I am a gardener

    of the community sort

    invitation open

    to two feet

    and four

    Now that you mention it, I wonder how the soil is on mars....

  2. Martian Turnips and Potatoes...Yum.

  3. Must we all be vegetarians on Mars?

    I need a bit more substance than cake and veggies.

  4. no i do not think so

  5. Sounds delish! sure I'll be there,

    but what to bring? *tears out her hair*,

    For I am anything but dumb,

    yet cursed I am with this brown thumb,

    the thought of feasting turns me numb

    if I bring nothing to share.

  6. Can you plant some limes

    and grow some sugar cane too

    then gather some salt

    and I'll bring a pot to brew

    I'd love fun in a faraway place

    and I'm so tried of this d@mn place

    so  I'm gonna try and make a case

    that I'd like a margarita too.

    ...and yea, I'll bring the ice.

    pretty good space traveler...

    and if the soils not good

    we'll just find another planet.

    we'll get some worms from

    the worm hole.

  7. The gardens that we plant on Mars,

    Their likes not found up in the stars.

    A cabbage twice like that on Earth,

    The size of reindeer at their birth.

    Potatoes grow to football size,

    They have red skin and deep blue eyes.

    We'll plant our gardens, plant them deep,

    And they will grow while we're asleep.
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