
Are you a giver? Do you like to help?

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Hi, my name is Rhonda. I live in Louisiana and am a single mom with twins. I am rich in love and am a Christian although have never been rich in money. The book The Secret says that if you ask, you will recieve. Does it really work? Well I am asking for some help with money to get some of the things that I need. A shed? Also to start a business. I am asking and would like to see if it comes to me and if asking and believing really works. I am also wondering how many givers are in the world. If someone would like to take a chance and send me two dollar bills with your return address, I will send you a bead as a token of appreciation of your help and as a reminder that you gave to someone. I can't wait to see who will give and where they will be from. New friends maybe?

Rhonda Scorsone 71558 St. James St.

Abita Springs, Louisiana 70420

Wouldn't it be neat to be on Oprah to tell how this experiment worked? Thanks for your time! God bless and I pray that your blessed too!




  1. Well I definately would say that I am a giver and I do hope you are able to get what you are looking for.  Unfortunately, I've got medical bills out the wazoo that I cannot manage to pay for. My prayers are with you.  That is what I can offer you.  Money on the other hand...well I never see any.

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