
Are you a global citizen or you value your country first?

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Are you a global citizen or you value your country first?




  1. Country first. I have always felt that way.

  2. my country first... Philippines... there is more to my country than our government... great people! beautiful places! great food!

  3. Can I be a global citizen and value my country? I value that I'm American of course. The US is a good place to live. If you have the drive you can make a good life for yourself regardless of your background. Alot of other places in the world don't afford that to their citizens. I live outside the US and in my opinion see things a

    little differently. It doesn't mean I don't value my country.

  4. country first. You global citizens don't understand that the rest of the world is trying to drag us down to their level because they are jealous.

  5. i think my country comes first !

    if u dont value ur own country then u r definitely not fit 2 b a global citizen!

    i am proud 2 b an INDIAN!

    jai hind!

  6. When the survival of all the little ones out there at high risk and high stakes?

    Which do you value first?

    The glory of toyland?

    When everyone were still climbing up the coconut trees and still look green with lost sense of direction and purpose of life?

    Luke 17.26-30

    Being left behind all alone?

    Or the survival of the little ones?

    Luke 9.55-56

    What do you think?

  7. I am a world citizen-and never did have a so called country-my national passport is USA-so that must be my country.  A world citizen love's everyone on the planet equally, and love's, international jurisdiction of justice.  If that ever happen's it will require the country's of the world to assemble and declare the planet one country and have the blue planet's first prime minister be a dedicated world citizen.  Maybe that would he me since I love all people equally, and justice too.

  8. I value my environment and the people in my surroundings but I consider myself a global citizen.

  9. Global citizen first,

    American second.

  10. Country first.

  11. Country first... soooo many recalls on toys... (and not just from China they have been from all over) i'll have to say my country is first

  12. I hate this country (the USA) it's garbage, i hope no other country or person follows any of the ideals or actions that this country has or will...

    So i guess im a global citizen, only if that doesnt include the USA

  13. Country first.  Global citizen is just another way of saying you want a One World Government.  That's too much centralized power.  I'm not saying isolate yourself from and hate other countries.  Be friends, play nice, but let them run their own country.

  14. Global citizen.  We are all humans living on the same earth.  Why should where I come from be more important than what I come from?

  15. Everyone values their country first, but as part of a global world

  16. i am a global citizen. i date people from all around the world and have respect and interest in all cultures. however, i am a patriot too and that is why i do  not like anyone crossing the border "illegally" to steal the jobs of my country's people.

  17. country

  18. Country first for sho. I am very proud 2 be an American

  19. country 1st U.S.A.

  20. Global Citizen.

  21. It would be amazing if our world would slowly shift to resemble a world such as that of the Star Trek Earth. That may sound cheesy to those who don't watch Star Trek, but they really made lots of improvements like getting rid of superstitions such as religion, racism, hate, wars etc. I am obviously much rather to be more proud of being from Earth than from being Czech

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