
Are you a good driver?

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Are you a good driver?




  1. yea

  2. I consider myself a mediocre driver.  Oddly enough, the few accidents that I've been in have been the fault of other drivers.  You do know that overall, 80% of drivers consider themselves "above average," don't you?  The true mark of incompetence is the fact that you don't realize that you are, hence the 80% figure.  Did you know that drivers from Rhode Island are rated the worst in the nation?  Nobody uses turn signals in Providence, not even the police.

  3. My husband laughs when I drive.  Is that good or bad?  That would be your answer.

  4. h**l yeah

  5. lets see 20 yrs of driving , and no accidents caused by yours truely,,, Yes I think I am a good driver,, better than most!

  6. yes

  7. I am now, not so much when I was younger.

    No tickets or crashes in 3 years.  Nothing at fault in 5-got rear ended at a stoplight, tried to move but I was in the left turn lane with cars on both sides.

    AutoX made me a much better driver; now I only speed, race, and do insane c**p on the track.

  8. Yes indeed I am =]

  9. I think I'm better than most.

  10. I'm a very cautious driver.

  11. never got a ticket

  12. Yes as long as all the other idiots stay outta my way and don't go faster or slower than me , and don't pass me  and get outta the way when I turn. And move when I come down the sidewalk doggonit!

    But seriously, Good answer Roger S.

  13. Yes.

    31 years licensed, and only 2 accidents...and both were the other person's fault.

  14. Idrive for a living I'm one of the best

  15. I'm a cautious driver and don't do things that will take my concentration away from driving like talking on the cell phone.  However I realize that you can be the world's best driver but you have no control of some idiot driver barreling down on you.

  16. I thought I was.  I was involved in a really bad car accident on the highway about a month ago and I am still very uncomfortable driving.  Now I would say that I am overly cautious and not the best driver.  I think in time I will get comfortable again and become a good driver again.

  17. Not reallly cause i got caught speedin 5 times. Paid 3 tickets. But now im a better one because of that. So i still speed alittle but im still not a drunk driver or one that cant go 5 miles without crashin haha yea

  18. good to scare you off the road!

  19. I think the question is highly debatable. Some would say they are good drivers and some would say they are not good. It is my opinion as a truck driver travelling across the country and witnessing the amount of horrific accidents that I have seen that if you had asked most of these people in the preceding days if they were good drivers the answer would have been yes. However, accidents require only a split second to be caused or to have happen and the results are often tragic and fatal. We can never assume what the other person is going to do and that is why no matter how "good" we say we are or "think" we is all a matter of driving defensively and being aware each and everytime we get behind the wheel. Everyday is a different day and requires all our concentration.

  20. Yes, I'm a very good driver.

  21. No!

    Im good at going fast

    but i can't do anything backwards and i can't park in those parking lot squares and sometimes i turn into oncoming traffic

    i can parallel park though

    my rents were right not to get me a car....haha!

  22. The best, baby.

  23. I am but your not

  24. I am an excellent driver. I am a good driver because I don't assume I'm a good driver....I don't take foolish chances, I don't speed to excess, I wear my seatbelts, and I DO NOT talk on cell phones while I am driving.

  25. Nope...

    Im still learning

  26. Car or Bike ? Still breathing after 30 years !! Safe i suppose would be my best answer.As we get older we seem to have more to  lose.We all think were good drivers though !!

  27. I always have something new to learn, and so does everyone on here. When you believe you have nothing new to learn, that you know it all, then its time to get off the road. I am a decent driver, who is in a constant learning process.

  28. idk never driven before

  29. ya..kinda

  30. i like to think so. no one else does

  31. haha i'm good for a teen.

    i've only been in one wreck, and that was because a freakin pizza hut delivery boy ran a red light and slammed into me.
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