
Are you a good parent?Have you ever asked your self or you are just blaming others?

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Are you a good parent?Have you ever asked your self this question?What good your "baby" learn from you, from the first day you bring-ed her(him) to this World?Have you been a good example to them?

Do you know with who, where and what your "teens" are doing right now?




  1. I believe that a "good parent" always doubts them-self, just think about all the so called "bad parents" you know, they don't doubt themselves one bit.  I would like to think I am a good parent, I don't have any teens but three grown daughters, the eldest has a degree in Psychology, the knee high baby is working on her Masters in Business and the baby girl is certified in Beauty Culture, all have very good jobs and are holding their own and living on their own (so I can't answer as to what they are doing at this moment).  Oh and my first grandchild is due next year.  Sure the teen years were hard, but then that too passed.    God Bless.

  2. bring-ed her(him) to this World??

    it's .....brought him or her ....

  3. I love my children, so so much. I would hike to the ends of the world for them.

    Every parent likes to think they're doing a good job.

    My teenage daughter is right now

    WITH: Maddie, her best friend, who i found out last night is pregnant.

    WHERE: In my bedroom.

    WHAT: Crying, hugging, and comforting each other, and generally talking, whilst i provide them with enormous amounts of chocolate and ice-cream.

    Maddie, has not told her parents yet, as she is scared, which is one thing that i ma quite proud of in my family.

    My daughter, and my son, are not afraid to tell me anything. My youngest daughter, we recently found out, has a very high EI, so she aslo is not afraid.

    My daughter brought Maddie to the house last night, they were both in tears. I didnt immediately expect the worse, what good does that do?

    Maddie and Lola both told me about the party they went to, and Maddie told me that my daughter had tried so hard to stip her going off with this guy, but she didnt listen.

    She borke down completely in front of me, and said she was so so so sorry, and would understand if i didnt want Lola to see her anymore.

    She slept round here last night, and all three of us stayed up till light talking, and laughing, and comforting.

    I feel so glad that my duaghter felt that she could bring Maddie to me, and that Maddie had the guts to tell me, when she couldnt tell her own parents. I have encouraged her to tell her parents as soon as possible, although she is adamant that she wants a termination.

    In the respect that my kids can tell me anything, i think im  good parent.

    My children are well-behaved, relaxed, and smart.

    I have raised them in the way i wish i was raised myself, and with that view, it has helped me immensly


  4. We all like to think we're "good parents"...hopefully our kids will grow up because of us, not in spite of us. My daughter is at work in London (24) and my 16 year old son is at the school, enrolling for sixth form.

  5. Don't have any teens. Don't think I am a 'bad' parent, or a great one, probably a mediocre one, but I love my child with all my heart. I think the kind of example I provide is kind and tolerant but also highly strung with a big personality. I guess I wont know how good a parent I have been til she is an adult herself.

  6. Yes, I think I'm a good parent, as much as that is possible, given that we're all human & prone to mistakes. I am constantly asking myself if I am doing "the right thing" but I think that is a sign of a good parent - one who does take the time to doubt themselves, instead of assuming they're perfect & can do no wrong. I don't have teens - but my 10 month old is sleeping peacefully in his cot :D

    If we are honest with ourselves, the reality of parenting is that basically, you make it up as you go along and hope for the best! I hope I will raise my child/ren to be happy, healthy, well-adjusted people with good morals, and a strong sense of self-worth.  

  7. I love my kids and try my best to brin them up to be contributing members of society, am I perfect? NO am I a bad mum NO? parenting is about doing your best and learning from your mistakes and hopefully turning out well balanced, happy secure children does it always go to plan? NO! as long as we are doing our very best for our children I don't think any of us can go far wrong.

    Edit: soz but, blaming others like who? and for what?

  8. Bethy4...why does a good parent have to doubt themself? I feel that I am a good parent and I don't doubt myself. I think there is a difference between doubting yourself and evaluating yourself and always looking for ways to improve. Personally I think the best parents are the ones who don't doubt themself and are confident in their choices and abilities.

    I do feel like I have tried to be a good example. of course we all make mistakes but a good parent learns from their mistakes and a good parent is always looking for creative ways to parent and is involved with their kids.

  9. I think I did ok raising my 4 boy's who are now adults. They do love their mama. Sometimes i felt I gave in to much. I think all parents made mistakes, I don't think there is such a thing called perfect parents.

    I remember when I was A teen and there was times I thought my parents were being unfair or just plan old mean, They were strict, Not extremely strict, but what they said, that's what goes. I always told myself, "I would never do that to my kids" Well... Its funny how the pattern of raising your teens are just like mom and dads. I catch myself being allot like them. As an adult with adult children, i look back and thought...My parents did a great job, I understand now the way they thought and as a teen you don't think of your parents concerns and how they want to protect you from harm, they just think about themselves and believe that nothing will ever happen to them and we are just treating them like babies.

  10. Am I a good Parent?  Yes, I am. My 3 teens are asleep in their own beds at the moment since they will be getting up to get ready for school in about 2 1/2--3 oldest is (17), a Senior in High School (12th grade or last year of high school here in America) she holds a 3.3 GPA, is in all AP Classes,she has been Athletic all of her life...8 years as a Cheerleader and 2 years in Track,she will be attending College after she Graduates H.S in 2009...she is Responsible (99% of the she is Beautiful, Loving,Kind and has a Fabulous Heart!   My Second Oldest, Ohhhh My Boy...what a Joy he is!  He is (14), a Freshman in High School (9th grade and First year in H.S. in America) He holds a 3.896 GPA, is in ALL Honors Classes, he is a Tremendous Athlete,2 years Baseball,2 years Soccer,he is now in his 6th year of American Football and 6th year of Wrestling...he has been MVP 2 years in a row in Both of these 2 Sports as well as 2 x All-League Running Back...He is Very Handsome,Sweet,Charming,Good and Kind,and Ohhh that sense of humor! at times can be a BIT Cocky...LOL..but his sisters and I bring him back down to earth!  Then there is my Baby Precious Taylor...she will be (13) next month, in the 8th grade, she holds a 3.0 GPA...she has been a Cheerleader for 4 years...she is Tall (5' 8") the longest legs in the world...Dark Blonde hair and Aqua Blue eyes...Fabulously Beautiful...she is Funny,Good,Loving and Kind...They ALL are Very Family Oriented...I have to give myself a BIG Pat on the Back...Yes I am A good Parent...How do I know? I know this Because My Kids tell me So.

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