
Are you a happier person now than you were two years ago & why?

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Are you a happier person now than you were two years ago & why?




  1. i don't think i am to be honest. i just lost a friend, my boyfriend and i broke up {i really loved him}, and I'm have many other issues. i guess the only good side is that I'm alive... but with all this bad stuff i don't even think that's much! plus I'm only 16 and is on the verge of deep depression.{I'm getting a lil better}

  2. I am happier than I was two years ago, and was happier then than I was three years before that, and here's why:

    Up until about a year or so ago, I was plodding along through life not really knowing why certain things kept happening over and over again.  Then, one day while surfing the web, I came across the name of an affliction that sounded like something that might have been plaguing me all of my life, and could very possibly have been the reason that the unwanted events of my life kept occurring, so I read into it further.  I then found out that this affliction IS what has been plaguing me all of my life (it is NOT a medical disorder, but a social one).

    It gave me a measure of "closure," if you will, just to finally - after over forty years - be able to put a name to what was afflicting me, but the REAL breakthrough was, now that I was able to identify the problem, I was able to come up with a way of compensating for my affliction, and have been a happier person ever since I have been able to keep what had been happening all my life from happening again.

    It's a long story as to why I was happier two years ago than I was three years before that, but the gist of that is: After forty years, I finally realized that the Church is out for the Church; it has not changed since Jesus' time, because it really cares very little about individuals - the same as did the Pharisees (the "Church" of His day) of whom Jesus spoke out against so many years ago.  I am still - and always will be - a Christian, but, except for a couple of occasions, I have not set foot inside a church in almost five years.

    And I am a much happier person because of that, too.

  3. I dont know really things have happened and its in the past sort of thing. But 2 years ago all my family were talking and now most of them dont talk which is horrible because i talk to all of them so that gets me down sometimes. Now i think ive grown up alot though learned more things and learnt to work harder and things like that.

  4. No, I feel like I've failed in life.  No one looking at my life would say that.  But I wanted a life of constant adventure and I'm not living up to that.  Probably an unrealistic expectation in this ever shrinking world.

  5. oh yeah, two years ago id just left school because of proplems, now im in university.

  6. yes i was working my rump off and looking to but a house and now i am there.

  7. No , I was alot happier 2 years ago , life got bad as I hit 13 .

    My mother almost died,  my house foreclosed , lost close friends, moved , Dad had to sell his car ..

    Ah , hard times .

    My sister was homeless .

    So I'm unhappy , but trying to live life at it's best .

    God gives hard lives to those with strong souls .

    And I believe lifes a test, and God will always be with me .

    So theres no point in being depressed .

    I at least have a family , and place to live .

    I'm somewhat happy . :/

  8. I was depressed and contemplating suicide 2 years ago.

    I've had therapy and a lot of help from friends to get me out of that hole.

  9. h**l yes! two years ago i was living with my parents who were very abusive

    im glad i dont have to put with their sh*t nor do i have to talk to em

    the best part is i've proved to them that i dont need em and now they are trying to apologize lmao

    but now im out of the house, work, school, livin the life!

    just got a new plasma tv too over the weekend :D

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