
Are you a heterophobe?

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Simple enough question, are you a GLBT person who has an issue with straight people in one way or another. I'm posting this due to "insighthere" comment on "crab" question. I just don't get why that was said, I am g*y and I found it offensive. This is the link:




  1. Deciphering the question was harder than answering it!  I truly don't think crab has any idea of what he was trying to say.  I believe he was wondering why so many women are actually advertising themselves as gold diggers.  I guess they're out there and not afraid to say what they want.  I wasn't offended.

    And no, for the most part, I'm NOT a heterophobe.

  2. Prejudice is wrong no matter who it's against.

  3. No, I really dislike homophobes, so why would I sink low to their level and become a heterophobe?

  4. I guess that was his opinion,possibly because it was posted in an incorrect forum & that question was irrelevant here.I like heterosexuals generally.There are some I dislike but there are also some g*y people I dislike,nothing to do with their sexuality.I would never dislike a heterosexual simply because they're not g*y!

  5. No, I like straight people... xx

  6. the person who asked the question probably wasn't asking for the opinion of the g*y community, and if the person answering the question has no interest in the straight community, i think its a valid answer

    personally, i am only a hetrophobe toward people who show PDA's in public yet are openly disgusted when same-s*x couples do the same thing.  believe it or not, i have to respond to complaints about guys holding hands walking down the street, or kissing in the park, things that NEVER be dispatched for a straight couple.

    i don't advertise my sexual orientation, though i am in no way closeted, and yet the straight community in general needs to let everyone know theirs.

  7. No, I'm g*y so I've seen enough discrimination

  8. No, but my ex was.  

  9. I have tons of str8 friends and we get on fine.  

  10. I suffer from Bi latteral internalized acute homophobia.  Both sides of my body are affected, and scared that the other side is going to have the same fear. Insight here's response to crab question is merely a line in the sand he or she has drawn.  Hetero phobia is nothing more than having a fear of all of your fears dividing themselves. I'm sorry if I've offended you, or any one else, it's just that we only have four years left to live as a society, because of Al Gore, and his Nobel Prized snake oil campaign.  The polar caps are going to shift in 2012.  I like junior mints.

  11. I was responding to a question about heterosexual relationships.

    This is the wrong section and I don't like it when people are too stupid to work that out.

    I have many hetero friends but I am not interested in what they do in bed thanks.
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