
Are you a high maintenance Mummy?

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I am a (very!) low maintenance mummy! This is my morning bathroom routine. Brush & floss teeth. Shower. Moisturise. Tie my hair back. Done. I am in awe of the mummies I see in town with perfect makeup and straightened hair - they seem so far removed from me that we may as well be from different planets! How do they find the time to look so groomed and can they give me any tips? At the moment I am pleased when I manage to leave the house without yoghurt down my top!




  1. I have 2 boys (20ths & 8mths). I was a lot like you at first with my routine but slowly got into the habit of make-up etc again!

    When they first wake its babies ready first- breakfast, clothes & short playtime. I tend to wait til their morning nap before i get ready (a lot of people use this time to rest though) It gives me enough time to quickly get showered etc & make up & hair done then get the changing bag ready for wherever we are going! Dont get me wrong- my make up isnt perfect like it used to be, quickly applied & thats me. i let my hair dry off a little naturally while i do my make up so its quicker when i blow-dry. Also i dont tend to get everybody out the house before 12pm!  

    I use their afternoon nap (if they have one- not every day for my older son) or their bedtime to quickly blast my housework- again, its not done perfect, just a quick, slap-dash job so i can spend the rest of the evening with my feet up!! x*x

    PS- Once you get used to it, it really only takes 5-10mins to throw on foundation, blusher mascara & a bit of lippy. It doesnt need to be the "full works" & will make you feel much better about yourself!

  2. I wouldnt call myself high maintenance, but I do get myself ready..I work at a the front lobby, but even on the weekends I put in a little effort. It's more like an extremely shortened version of what I used to do. The hair that would take 15-20..even more sometimes, has been cut to about 3 minutes, unless I straighten it, but that would be when my brothers are spending time with Brody, or he's sleeping. My makeup has been reduced to putting on foundation and mascara..and lip gloss, and it's a HUGE improvement to how I wake up lol so it all takes like 10 minutes now if that, and when I was younger I coud spend hours in the mirror!!

  3. Sometimes I do it sometimes I don't.  I take my  3.5 yo to School in the morning and take the 9 month old to the gym with me.  So I only need to put workout clothes on in the morning.  When I get home, baby goes down for a nap and I shower and do my hair, or don't do my hair.  It really doesn't take THAT long.  If I just let it dry on it's own(naturally curly) I"ll finish blowdrying later at the second nap and stick a clip in it.  If I do it, I dry it and like 30 minutes.  No problem.  I like the person who said people that must not be playing with there kids enough.  get real.

  4. I suspect that those Mummies dont play with their kids enough!

  5. i have a lil girl and i know there is actually no time to get dressed up buit i manage, i have her in a routine that she wakes at seven every morning, i get up at 6.30, shower, do hair and makeup, i always have my outfit picked out from night before, i know it seems silly but i always feel i can handle the day before when i look good cause i feel good!! i go to bed early at night and it helps with lil help is i use that dove tinted mosturiser, it only 3 euro and i apply it all over, even my face so as day goes on and my makeup isnt as fresh, the tan makes sure there is no difference!

    olay have great cream for under eye circles.

    im not vain or selfish i love my baby but i do believe a happier mummy is better for baby!!!

  6. hey i recon. you described me. (the low maintenance mummy). before i had baby i always had hair makeup etc.... and some of those mums look like they been getting ready for 10 hours, ive often wondered how they do it and i think maybe they neglect the kids to have time to get ready.  

  7. today im low maintenance. if my daughter decides to sleep in the morning, then i take the oppurtunity to wash dry and straighten my hair. but its raining outside today, so there is no way im getting done up to go out in the rain!

  8. Wake up 2 hours before you need to...

    thats what i do...

    i never leave the house without full make up job and hair groomed... its not a case of being so far removed from us....

    I thinks its because you have so much more inner confidence and you are comfortable in your own skin....

    the reason for all this perfect grooming high maintenance S**t is because thats how we consider ourselves to be human in the morning, you're lucky you can look human just by tying your hair back and bunging a bit of cream on... i know i wish i could do that but i'd look like a zombie if i did.

    Just remember the next time you see someone you feel so far removed from - we WISH it was as easy for us.  You're blessed - love it dont hate it!! xxxx

  9. i'm definitely low maintenance. wear jeans and flip flops. lotion, lip moisturizer and no make up. hair is usually back in a tie. I've always been low maintenance --- it's just my personality. i get "dressed up" if i go out at night with my husband or friends, but DEFINITELY not to just shlep around all day.  

  10. hair brush? whats that? like ive got time 2 brush my hair! tops with goo down them , yeah ive quite a few you know!

    and yep sometimes.......... oh hang on gotta go my kid is howling lol ! x

  11. I'm impressed that you find time to floss!!

  12. yes, i am pretty much the same as you. i don't know how the others do it

  13. Ha ha yes I know what you mean.  Ever heard of acting like a duck?  Cool on top but paddling like mad underneath?  I always think these lovely looking mums are actually exhausted by having to put on such an act.  Having said that, I do sometimes find the time to put on makeup.  Not often though!  People tend to pay more attention to my baby than me so I really don't feel I need it!

  14. haha,i used to spend ages getting my hair etc however with an 18week old ive NEVER looked such a tramp,i normally shower(well its not so much a shower as much as a splash under running water lol) wash my hair and scrape it back,try and brush teeth and get dressed at the same time...put some concealer to hide the bags..and im done!!! i look far from glam,but i have the most amazing little girl and id hate to i look good today at the cost of play,entertaining teaching my girl sure in time i will get chance to look like the old me again...x

  15. Well my girl is 12 days old so all she does is sleep!! so I'm high maintenance atm but that will change!!! Lil


  16. I am REALLY low maintenance too.

    I have never been high maintenance, though.  Everyone always tells me how young I look, too, and I'm 29.  I haven't worn makeup regularly since I was a teenager.  I think all teenagers want to wear makeup but when I met my husband he told me that I was much more beautiful without it so I threw it away.  :-D

    I think I look younger because I haven't damaged my skin by putting chemicals all over it every day.  I honestly think makeup makes you wrinkle faster.

  17. One of my daughter's favourite things to do is sit on my lap facing me while I put my make-up on in the morning. She takes all the things out one by one and looks at them and then hands them to me (it's taken a bit of practice to get her to give them back!) and then, last of all, I give her my blusher brush and let her (pretend) to put blush on my cheeks.

    I don't always look 'super well groomed' but I do think it's possible to look good without neglecting your kid!

  18. I have a 12 week old and am a bit of both i guess. I am low maintenance but I find I feel a bit happier about myself if i make that bit of extra effort. Noting major but here are a couple of tips that i hope will be useful.

    If you do straiten your hair you dont need to do it every day, just twice a week and look after it(were a shower cap and put in loose pony when you sleep) and just do it once hubby gets home and you can pop in and have a shower. (shave the legs and what not then too)

    If your wanting to wear a bit of makeup(i do, i find i just feel a bit more like a woman and not just a mummy) use a tinted moist. And for those lovely dark circles we all have get a green concealer and quickly dab a bit on under eyes before adding your tinted cream. It works a treat. If your looking a bit dull chuck on a tad of pink blush or bronzer on your cheeks and it will lighten up your face. All that takes no more then 5 mins.

    Brush your teeth, brush your hair pop on a bit of perfume and there you go. we are women,wife's and mothers.  

  19. I'm not what i'd say is high maintenance but i do like to make an effort.  Basically when i had my daughter just over 4 years ago i tried to stay in the same routine i had before hand, get up, shower when baby is sorted, dress, make up, hair etc...then carry on with the day, i did this from the day after i can out of hospital, i don't wear a lot of make up but i have to put eczema cream on my face daily anyway so a bit of powder and shadow and i'm done.  I'm now 26 weeks pregnant with my second and having the four year old to deal with along with the tiredness but for the last two weeks we've been out of the house by 8am every morning for various reasons with no real rush!  mind you i do my make up downstairs while eating my breakfast so i guess multitasking is the way forward!

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