If so then please answer this. If you are closest to having
the correct answer then you will get 10 points. As you saw
from my question earlier, I asked about women and
relationships. Now here you are. A college girl, who is
all alone, your true love is in the process of coming back
to see you from a long way. But you are in a relationship,
at the current time with an abusive man. A man who has
disappointed you in every single way. You want out, but
you are afraid to leave. And you do not want to be alone
either. But somewhere deep inside, you know that this is
not the right path for you to take in life. And it will only leave
you in misery and pain. Now, my question is this. I was
told that I would be going to see this woman, soon by two
people. Which month did they say, I would go to see my true
love again, and be with her forever ? Do you know ?