
Are you a land steward?

by  |  earlier

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Do you act as a caretaker for Mother Nature?

Do you volunteer as such in your community?

If you do, what are the rewards for you?




  1. Taking care of my own place is a full time job.   Planting berry bushes, removing invasive species, building bird houses, posting and reposting after their torn down or shot "hunting with permission only" signs, cleaning up trash illegaly dumped.   A safer and cleaner living area.

  2. I was for awhile until i started noticing that what i was helping mother nature the rich where destroying . I gave up allot of my comforts but the rich still drive there SUV,s with the air on . they still live in there 6 bedroom home with only 2 people in it totally air conditioned . Security lights on all around the home all knight . Swimming pool with filter running 24/7 . Taking 3,4,5 vacations a year flying all over the world not to mention the cruse ships and so much more .

    My point is why should i give up what little comforts i do have just so they can use there's any given time they wish . They use more energy in one day then i use in a month if not more .

    I didn't get any rewards just very disappointed .

  3. My fight for Mother Nature is in the demise of all mankind.

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