
Are you a leader of follower?

by  |  earlier

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And please give examples why this title suites you best.

I think i am a leader because i take charge, am most out spoken of my friends and like to know whats happening instead of following others.





  1. I'm a loner...

  2. My mother always said "You are a Puerto Rican not a Puerto Rican't, I haven't spent all this time and energy raising followers you are all leaders". I am the first to graduate from college, volunteer for raising money for what ever is need at the schools, I run my own business successfully. I started a club that hopefully will be going nation then worldwide. I begin with the attitude that I will succeed in what I am doing. I am a leader!

  3. I rarely follow...anyone or anything.  I'm not who most would call a leader, etiher ...except perhaps in certain business aspects.

    Basically, I do my own thing ... within the limits of the law of course.  I'm kind of bohemian in nature.  I am an independent voter ... will not commit to either major political party.  If I'm passionate about a cause, I do try to organize a group who will do something to help that cause ... but I don't try to tell others what to do.

  4. I am a woman  and women for the most part are not socialize to be either. I cooperate with the person who has the best ideas not who is the most pushy.    There is a saying that leading women is like herding cats.

  5. Sometimes I lead and other times I follow...

  6. I follow followers and lead leaders.

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