
Are you a little depressed because it's the first day of September?

by  |  earlier

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Summer's coming to and end, leaves will begin to fall off the trees, flowers will die. {Sniff} :(




  1. no because i cant wait for FALL! btw Tennessee Football ..... 1st game tonight .... AHHHH i hate football my rents are so into it though. lol

  2. yes.  I don't want to go back to school

  3. No! Cause it won't be freakin hot anymore and I love the Fall scenery!

    Plus my birthday is in 27 days~!

  4. i hate september

    its the month of least for me

  5. im happy because fall/winter are my favorite seasons. and i love being back inschool, im in 10th grade, and seeing all my friends.  

  6. depressed cause i hate school

  7. summer already ended for me. too quick.thank god. it was soo freaking hot in the summer.

  8. A little depressed but more about how quickly the year is going.  It snowed here on Saturday night so I'm looking forward to winter so it's not all bad..

  9. NO!! I am VERY depressed because my friends and family or in DANGER of this stupid hurricane!!!

  10. No cuz my birthday is tomorrow :D :D :D

  11. No  

  12. Fall is my favorite time of the year!!! The nice breeze. It's the season that leads into winter and winter leads into spring...when everything is revived and renewed!

  13. Ummm....there's still 3 weeks of summer left.  

    Still and all--I hate to see summer wind down.

  14. no its my birthday this month

  15. no not really, i like fall =)  

  16. actually i'm glad, its one day closer to the last day of school =]

  17. Well, until you put it that way, I was kinda happy, because it means I have almost survived my first full month of sophomore year, and it's one month closer to Christmas.

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