
Are you a money lover ? money is needed for life, but life is not money.?

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ha..ha.. i am great. what about you?




  1. where your treasure is, there your heart will be also


    if you live for your family, your heart will be with family

    if you live for money, your heart will be owned by money

  2. I do love having money, but I don't love the money itself.

  3. That days have gone..  don't talk philosophies.. who cares ?  Do you want respect in is in the first place.  See, i gone to attend a seminar.. more educated, intellectuals are coming there one by one.  The organisor just stood and welcomed the delecates.. a man came and said something in  his ear, he walked fast to receive a dignity..who is none other than a rich man.. i am finding no fault in welcoming him while he is getting down from his surprise is he is in no way connected.. i understand that money spoke there.  if you have money, you can buy anyone except father and mother.. you will have respect.  you are a famous scientist, or social worker, or famous in some.. can you able to buy a flat in mumbai?  if you have money, you can buy and can lead a happiest life.. you can become member of parliament, minister etc., if you have no money,  the lying street dog will laugh at you.. i can say more..  money is essential.. most essential for life now..yes, all are money needed for life..but, if the same rich on some reasons came down,  the same society which respected him will never respect him.  Hence money is not life.

  4. I'm a lover not a fighter

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