
Are you a picky eater?

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I find that I hate more foods than I like. Here are some foods I hate:

Raisins, pork, rare meat, goat (I'm a Capricorn, it would be cannibalism!), lima beans, oatmeal/cornmeal or anything mushy, any potatoes except for home fries/hash browns and fries, excess butter, excess mayonnaise, fried eggs, sunny side up eggs, turkey burgers (beef or nothing), stuff with rice IN it (soup, burritoes, etc.), celery, carrots (unless they're shredded), unnecessary extra fat (macaroni and cheese made with butter and eggs, for example)...the list goes on.




  1. Yes, I am a picky eater but you're more picky than me!!

    Haha good question. =)

  2. nope i love to try new things instead just not the "mystery meat" type dishes you never know what your going to get

    Great question by the way  

  3. i will eat almost anything.  

  4. no, i'm not a picky eater.  i love most all foods. :]

  5. not picky...

    i'll try anything

    but i won't eat anything under cooked. i refuse to. and if i say something tastes spoilt, it's probably three days away from getting moldy

  6. Fairly picky but not so much with food choice-it just can NOT touch the other foods on my plate.

    Hubby used to tease me but then he got me those plastic plates with the dividers-such a sweetheart!

  7. No I'm really not a picky eater as a strange eater. I don't think I can eat off the wall things such as bugs, bladders, eyeballs and some innards. I was raised to eat what was put in front of me. So really and truly no I'm not a picky eater but there are somethings that I won't eat because I don't like them.

  8. Not really picky..I would eat almost anything but..I use care as to what I choose to eat for health reasons..otherwise I'm all systems are go!

  9. I am pretty picky eater. If you saw me you wouldn't think so, it is because I won't eat fruits or vegetables. I like to eat Steak and Fatening Food. Some people will eat foods that looked like somebody barfed and reate the food.  

  10. i used to be a picky eater, but i have been forcing my self to try new foods

  11. im the same to

  12. Yes, I'm VERY finicky. & the foods I DO like, I eat them like mad crazy!

    I don't like most types of bread, bananas, tomatoes, yogurt, beets, chitterlings, green beans, collard greens, skim or low-fat milk, certain types of cereal, blueberries, raspberries, cooked fruit. & the list goes on.  
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