
Are you a practicing Muslim?

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Or do you believe in Islam but don't really follow it?

I am Roman Catholic but not practicing.




  1. Yes, Alhamdolillah. By All means.

    I am, and even my whole family (12 members) are, practicing Muslims. We believe and we follow.

  2. I was born Roman Catholic but believe the fundamentals of Islam, these are very good fundamentals as it is easy to follow and peace for one and all

    Happy Ramadan to all Salaam

  3. Alhumdulillah, yes i try to practise my religion Islam as much as i can.  

  4. As often said we have to really practice what we preach, otherwise we will merely have blind faith, just like yourself. You call yourself a Roman Catholic, yet you do not practice. There must be underlying reasons as to why you do not practice I presume.

  5. I would say, yes

  6. I am a practicing Muslim Alhumdulillah

  7. No.

  8. Nope.

  9. I am a 24 hour 7 day a week practicing Muslim. If I did not intent to practice it then what was the point of taking my Shahada? I knew the rules and guidelines before I chose the faith and knew that by becoming a Muslim i would be living my life as a slave of Allah and submitting to his will.

    If I did not want to do that I would not have become a muslim. I dont know how anyone can state they are a member of a faith but then say non practicing. If your not practicing it then what makes you a member of that faith?

    A woman can give birth to a child, gives it away, does not love it does not care for it or look after it but 25 years later says she is a Mother? How is she a mother because she went through a process of having a child or because she loved, nurtured, cared for, raised, cherished and  protected that child for 25 years that is the mother, the one who did that not the one who gave birth.

    Same with faith, if you dont love it, protect it, cherish it, learn from it, live it how can you say your a follower of that faith when you dont practice it?

    I dont get it.

  10. i try and practise as much as i can,i aint perfect but i try very very hard to stay strong,practise,so far im grateful to Allah...

  11. No  I am a practicing Atheist. Yes, Alhamdolillah

    I see God different to Muslims.

    God could Man utd,Beatles and etc.

  12. yes and no

    @adnan y alhamdulillah- Instead of allah it should be matter/matterials

    y an atheist praise allah?

  13. I am not really the pious type but I follow it as long as it is logical and realistic

  14. yes i am :)  i know im not the greatest Muslim out there, not by a long shot but i try and my faith is growing. and like you, i love my religion.

  15. alhamdulillah. I'm practisingg muslim

  16. Yes, I'm.

  17. Ye,

    By the grace of Allah,

    What's there in Roman Catholicism to practice?As compared to Islam??

  18. i try.........................

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