
Are you a...?

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IM A VEgitarian!!

veggietarin plp rule!! and vegan!!




  1. Im a MEATEATER i eat all the meat available... somtimes i even eat meat for breakfast.


  2. vegetarian for 4 years.

    and just started being vegan for the past 2 weeks.

    and i love to tell people im vegan.

    i feel so prooud of myslef when i say that.

    and people are annoying that make excuseses about how they couldnt do it.its to hard with work and c**p.

    quite making excuses and just admit your to pu**y to do it.

  3. omnivorian

  4. meateater duh me and all my friends

  5. im an omnivore. i like greens and meat. h**l, i dont think i could survive w/out fish!

  6. If you're going to say "vegetarian," say it right. You misspelled it three times in one simple question.

    Jenny W: You're a vegetarian three days out of the week? Similarly, I'm a celibate three chosen days out of my week.

    Livvye: Last I knew, fish were not on the vegetarian menu here or much of anywhere else. A vegetarian does not consume flesh food of any sort. Fish are not swimming vegetables. And by the way, if you felt pressured to switch over to a "pesci" diet for something as trivial as a dance tryout, I would love to see how that vegetarian lifestyle of yours would work out in the long run. You get plenty of amino acids by eating raw vegan food... protein is really a non issue in a veg*n diet. But hey, levels of mercury in a veg*n diet are scarce, so you'll do wonders by switching over to a "pesci" diet. It will surely help you progress to that next round, so by all means!

  7. I tried being vegan, and it was extremely difficult for me at the time, school, work, presssure, etc. So right now I'm a Pesci-Vegetarian, the only meat I have is tuna. Ive changed my diet for the summer because I'm under alot of pressure with dance try-outs and I need ways to get protein.

    I was a lacto-Ovo vegetarian for about 2 months in the spring, I will probably go back to being that in the fall. For now, I'm a Pesci-vegetarian.

  8. Trying to become a vegetarian for environmetal amd person religious(buddhism) and health reasons I just still eat fish and shrimp but i will in due time .........I also try out vegan ,macrobiotic and raw foods in my diet so i dont get bored

  9. how convenient that you posted this in the VEGAN/VEGETARIAN SETION! lol

  10. meateater i eat veggies but i dont like as much as meat

  11. I'm an omnivore but I only consume meat (fish, chicken, pork, ect.) about 4 times a week.  I eat vegetatian the rest of the time.  Veggies are in season and there is nothing better than fresh tomatoes, corn on the cob, and grilled green beans w/ garlic.

  12. well ive been a pollotarian[just chicken] since late december 2007

    went full vegeterian in mid-january 08

    went lacto-vegeterian(just dairy) in late april i think

    and now im vegan

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