
Are you a racist if you wave the confederate flag?

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OK so I was watching this vid on youtube of this guy playing the guitar, he mistakenly was playing with a giant confederate flag in the background and all of the comments were of hate even though his playing was really good.

That being said alot of famous people wave confederate flags around. Like dimebag darrel from pantera had a confederate flag symbol on his guitar and so did larry the cable guy. Does that mean their racist? Were they racist?




  1. I don't know about Dimebag (who was VERY good, even though I don't really like Pantera), but the lead singer of Pantera is a very ignorant person. I saw him on youtube ranting about how the term "black on black crime" is a term that the Media uses to say that they should commit crimes against white people (because apparently the media wants to kill white people).

    That being said, the confederate flag is a symbol of the civil war, slavery, treason, states rights, or southern pride, depending on what a person thinks about it. However, one cannot choose which one they choose to represent at will, since it's significance is unique to everyone. A case can be made for the flag being a beacon of the south or a reminder of the oppression of blacks. Since the latter is something so negative, and something both many whites and blacks don't want to be reminded of, why wave it?  

  2. Well lets get this straight, to you people who think everyone that has a confederate flag is racist, your stupid. Not everyone in the south owned slaves or thought slavery was right. Some people fought in the war for reasons other than slavery. There are people today who fly the flag because they have ancestors who fought in the civil war for those reasons other than slavery and they are proud of their heritage. There have been groups who have used the flag for purposes other than its original intent. There are people who have valid reasons for flying that flag today, its history, its family history to those of us who have ancestors who fought and died for what they thought was right. Saying everyone who has a confederate flag is racist is like saying all black people are dumb, its nothing more than stereotyping of people with no basis what so ever other than stupidity.

  3. The only thing that is racist about it is in the mind of the beholder.  I never gave a d**n one or the other about until people statrted kicking up h**l and trying to say it should be illegal and all that.  It is tantamount to saying we should have "thought crimes" to say that a symbol should be banned.  I'll fight to the death before I see that happen.  Careful of what inanimate symbols you wish to ban today, because something dear to you may be next.  

    Confederates came in many colors, white , black and native.  If pride in southern heritage is offensive to you or any symbol of it then I gotta go on record as saying so f*ckin' what?

    I just wish I had bought stock in making the d**n things before all the idiots started raising h**l about it.  The sale of the d**n things has like quadrupled since 1996 I hear.

  4. the flag represents a racist ideal....slavery...

    i cannot judge if the performers are racist..or if they are not aware of the full meanning behind it...

  5. Not necessarily. Since it's linked to the Confederates it tends to have that racist connotation. There actually are people who wave it around and are not racist, though I would never wave it.

  6. It represents the south and what all of the above answerers have said is true. However,I would like to add it is also an American Symbol of Rebellion. Sometimes, that's all it means.

    Think the Dukes of Hazzard. Not only did they paint their car with the "Stars and Bars" but they named it "General Lee."

    People tuned in every week to watch the coolest back woods rebellious white boys, outsmart the corrupt boss hog, and save the day. If I recall, that show was very careful to avoid racist themes.

  7. Because why hold on to that hateful flag.I personally hate that flag anyone that wears,waves are racist to me no matter the color of you skin.But its apart of southern white people history so i thinkthat'ss whytheyy still have it i think?

  8. Honestly, it could be 50/50. Some...sorry, MOST people WOULD consider it racist because it's in the south and it had pretty much every thing to do with/ represent slavery and all the bad and evil that went on in those times in the South. HOWEVER, there are some whites who live in the south and have the conf. flag but aren't using it as something racist. To them, it's represents the south and nothing more. They may not fully understand the damage it is causing to those who find it offensive. I personally, don't get offended by it unless someone with it happened to call me outside of my name...oh h**l no. then it's

  9. I think it pretty much means you're a loser from the South.

  10. No, the vast majority of Confederate flag wavers are not racist.  It is really easy for someone up north or a politician in DC, or for that matter, a filmmaker in Hollywood to say so.  When you actually live in the South, where Confederate heritage is so much a part of our history and culture, you generally know better.  The fact is that few Southerners display the flag with racist intents.  For that matter, only a tiny minority of Black Southerners are actually offended by the flag, contrary to what the NAACP would have you believe.  I prominently display the flag and have for many years, and I have never had a single Black person express any disapproval of it.  Many are my friends and neighbours.  It is not out of the ordinary to even encounter Black Southerners who display the flag themselves, or are members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, as many Blacks served the Confederate military in a variety of roles.  There is a reason why so many Black voters in Mississippi a few years back voted to keep the Confederate emblem on the state flag.  Just don't buy into all the hype about the Confederate flag being racist.  Many Southerners, regardless of their race, are scratching their heads in confusion about this.  

  11. confederate flag+pick-up truck = white boy named Earl that needs to be checked hard, and held accountable

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