
Are you a racist person?

by  |  earlier

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just wondering, and if so, to who or what?




  1. Yes, against the flilthy race known as blacks.

    They laughed at me throughout high school, and it has shaped my views of their entire race. I know not all of them are selfish, ignorant morons with no future, but it is difficult to find those chosen few.

    All other races are fine in my book, especially us whites.

  2. no i am not racist (and i am not a liar)

    i do not hate or wish to inflict harm to any entire race

    i do not think my race is superior either

    now i may not like a few individuals in alot of races, but i don't hate entire races

    now i will admit i have been predjudice, because everyone has pre-judged something

    if i see a peron who dresses like a bum, i tend to stay clear (judging someone based on the clothes they wear--i feel bad) :P

  3. Yes, I am.  Everyone is to some degree.  Anyone who says they are not is either a fool or a liar.

  4. Contrary to "TheAmericanPatriot's" opinion, I am not racist.

    Racism is, by definition, judging people by their race, or feeling superior to an entire race, or most commonly, feeling negative about an entire race of people.  

    According to Webster:

    1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

    2 : racial prejudice or discrimination

    It's silly and it's lazy.  

    Sure, I have my prejudices, but not againt an entire race, but often against a self-chosen group, like...say...Christian fundamentalists, let's say.  I admit in those cases, my prejudices cause me to judge a person without knowing them, really.  It's likely that I make hasty assumptions based on that prejudice, and I try to remind myself not to...but...Some forms of prejudice, while certainly unfair are functional.  I judge neo-n***s, fire-and-brimstone street preachers, and Bob Jones University students in similar fashion, and have yet to regret it.

  5. Nope. My baby sister has blue eyes and  blond hair. She's mixed. I was raised to treat people the same, and I try my best. If I dislike anyone, its because of who they are, not the color of their skin.  

  6. yes i am racist...towards the entire human race for being such a***oles spreading hatred and war....

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