
Are you a real psychic?????

by  |  earlier

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if you are then prove it and tell me something that will happen to me soon or something very personal or something that has happened in my life recently, serious answers please, i just want to see weather i get any really spooky answers, lol. Cmon people surprise me if you can because i do believe in psychics.




  1. no, i am not a psychic  

  2. It kind of just comes to you at different times. Plus, the internet is very misleading, it's impossible for me personally to prove it to you. But, if we were to meet in person, it would be a different story.  

  3. There is an emotional tragedy in your recent past.

    It seems like it was a misguided love interest.

    Maybe falling in love with a girl that was taken.

    I don't know why but the word "stalker" comes to mind....  not necessarily that you ARE a stalker, but that a number of people thought of you that way.

    You have either started a new job or will start a new job soon.

    Advice:  Don't allow yourself to become romantically interested in people at work.  It never works out well.

    Learn this lesson and move on.

    Focus on the music...  I don't have a clue what that means.

    Good luck.

  4. If you yourself knows wha is happening to you soon then others can predict, psychic or not

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