
Are you a romantic?

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If so, why? Is it just because romance feels good? Or does it have a practical purpose in your life?




  1. I go in fazes. I can be romantic sometimes and other times I just want to be left alone. Romance feels good but I feel like it isn't always appreciated. Why bother going through all the trouble when my husband is a sure thing?

  2. yes. i love romance. when i take a date to KFC and i see her mouth drop, i know its because she's impressed. true romance that i'll tell ya!

  3. No. It is tacky. It makes me want to vomit.

  4. I am a classic romantic, in the literary sense, as follows:

    I am interested in the complex literary and artistic and intellectual movement that is Romanticism, as opposite to Realism.

    I am interested in how aesthetic and sensory experiences can provide strong emotions and move you.

    I am interested in the human conditon, in social movements more broadly and in the use of imagination to escape the hold of reality.

    That Romanticism is also a movement that partly revolted against the aristocratic ideals of Realism and the Age of Enlightenment, it definitely plays a very important role in my life as defining a culture of resistance against hegemonic rule.

    Also, it does feel quite unique and I've found that romanticism in this sense has allowed me to reflect and introspect, reach a greater understanding of the human condition, develop my spiritual being and universal compassion towards the world.

    I'm not really a "romantic" in the post-modern pop culture sense of the term. Although a strong believer in the power of passion, I resent the fact that the idea of romance strictly relates to romantic love and has therefore lots its roots as a culture of resistance and artistic sensibility.

    Good question.

  5. Romance is nice once and a while. There's a fine line between what's nice and what's pure cheese.

    I don't crave it like some addict like I see a lot of women doing.

  6. Yes, because I believe it's magic and the power of love.

    When I first seen my wife, I looked at her and knew that someday I would be married to her. After getting the courage to ask her out for coffee, she told me she was seeing someone else but the way she rejected me, I can't explain it, it didn't feel like I was rejected and low feelings of emotions.

    The next time we met, she told me that we could have coffee because her bf said ti was okay, we were involved with a social group at the time. Well, all the other members didn't want to come with us, so it was just my future wife and myself.

    She told me she was having problems with her bf and was really interested in what I had to say. Somehow I must of swept her off her feet (or maybe she just swept me off of mine, LOL) that Christmas and New Years Eve, because we went into the coldest night ever into Boston to see the Ice Sculptures and see the fireworks, she must have had five layers of clothing on her. She was someone amazing and someone special and even though we are divorced, I will always remember that winter holiday and watching the fireworks in Boston.

  7. Yeah. I love love

  8. I dislike the fact that modern society has turned 'romance' into a generic hallmark and use it to feed into a consumer frenzy. I am romantic both in the sense that I adore flowers and if a man cares and respects me and It is coming from such a place, his chivalry. ( Not if the bloke is a flaming misogynist that is) And in the sense of 'romanticism', Emily Bronte 'Wuthering Heights', Theodore Gericault, Liberty Leading the People, William Blake 'Songs of Innocence and Experience', the imagination, the emotions, the subconscience....So I am a Romantic in the cultural sense as I love these painters and writers and In the sentimental sense in that, if it is genuine in the forms of love letters, flowers, spending simple quality time with another person ( Im not materialistic), I love it.

    It has no practical purpose really, it just makes me as a woman feel very special if the man is coming from a sincere place and really does care.

    EDIT; Food for thought, I think Romanticism was more reactionary against Neoclassicism  and neoclassical ideals that championed reason, the intellect, the rational concurrent with the enlightenment period.Towards the fin de siecle of the nineteenth century realism became more prominant in the arts, in the incipient decades of modernism, at least artistically with Gustave Courbet and Manet and other artists........Great answer though and I 100% agree

  9. Love feels so good....

  10. Yes, my whole life revolves around love and passion... In brazil, much like in italy and france, we are born with this innate understanding of beauty, music, rhythm, romance, and love...

  11. I'm a romantic by the dictionary definition of the word...I like old houses, old books, atmospheric places, castles, stormy nights, etc.

    I am NOT fond of drippy love poetry, romance novels, love ballads, so-called "chivalry" and greeting card sentiments.

  12. it comes and goes. sometimes i'm in a "wine and dine me" mood, and others i just want pizza and a good fight on the 'ol TV.

    just depends.

  13. I consider myself to be romantic, but I can't define how or why.  I don't have the words to express the concepts I'm thinking of.

  14. Absolutely, I'm all about the yucky love stuff.

    Practical purpose? Sure! Puts my guy in a good mood when I do stuff like that (he digs the yucky love stuff too) which is always a good thing, and when he does it, it puts me in a great mood too.

    Pssst! ((whispers)) People in good moods have great s*x

    How's that for practical? lol

  15. I find out the things my partner likes and do those.

    For some that's romantic, for others it's just what you do for your partner.

  16. Nope. It serves no purpose in my life. Romance is another man-made "expression" seen in movies or tv.

  17. Yes, it puts color in an otherwise black & white world.  It's great to buy a woman little surprises.  When I worked in NYC I was always buying surprises for my wife (now ex.)

  18. I wasn't by the time I reached 43 then I found someone that totally threw me off balance and made me that way. I was, before him the opposite of romantic. It was silly and unnecessary.

    I was love, I am all about love. Giving, sharing, sacraficing. Always.

    Then he came in with beauty and rhythm

    and kept beat with me, showing how true color and music intertangled could be.

    Now that person isn't a part of my life anymore, but some of the ambiance he left behind still lingers this side of the door..


    I dream, I buy or cut fresh flowers and a little gift now and again for myself, and I have a candle or two lit every once in a while while my lips play with  smile when I remember him...

    I seem to breathe more at peace in the early morning air, as my countenance seems to reflect, as well as the magnification of my intellect..

    otherwise no or never again with anyone else.

    He taught me that I would rather be alone and that can be more romantic than being with the wrong person..

    No wonder I didn't appreciate romance before, I never had a person that could moondance with me on a twilight shore, and hold me till I didn't hurt anymore.

    d**n man ruined my rant on life. made me slow down and have rhythm.

    but only with him.

    is it practical? yes I feel more balanced about myself, that I am beautiful again.

    It is good to "splurge" on flowers aromatic candles and

    calm and peace.

    poetry can be deep and beautiful as we all should be.

    I never had a reason for romanticism before him, but I can see it made me a

    better personality.

    am I a romantic? yes now I am. it has a life saving use for me, to appreciate the finer things in life, even a 2.98 bundle of lesser class flowers, a glass of wine on the porch and a candle dancing in the glare of a night window.

    It saved my life.

  19. Romance is as foreign to me as reading Chinese.

  20. I'm romantic but I just try to be honest and be myself. If a women seems special and lights up my world then I want to show my appreciation and admiration. I will try and find some tangible way to express that.

    I'll give flowers if the timing seems right. I might try to put my feeling into words or verses because that's the only way I can express myself. I just try and keep it real.

    I have no problem expressing myself physically and emotionally. I love to be affectionate, to enjoy good food, laughter and conversation. I fall in love easily.

    I'm romantic because it flows naturally out of me. It's part of who I am. It's purpose is express my love and show my feelings. It's the joy of bringing joy into someone else's life.

  21. I used to always say I hated  excessive romance, but I guess it depends on how you define it.

    If I really really like someone, I might have the potential to get a bit mushy. I like showing affection, but I just think that's a normal everyday thing in a relationship...Super romantic guys that I don't like make me feel weird, like if they're always saying "aww sweetie" and they want to feed me in public....No thanks. I dont care for receiving flowers and gifts.

  22. i am, but in my own twisted way.

  23. Not much at all.  I don't care about anniversaries, valentine's day, or any of that sappy stuff.  This is something my girlfriend complains about a lot, but it's not like I'm going to change who I am in this regard.

    Love is great, having someone to love and love you back is great...  sensuality is also great...  but the whole romance thing...  I get no enjoyment out of it at all.  In fact, seems like a of of hassle and can even be quite costly.

    Enjoying my life with someone special is plenty enough romance for me right there.

  24. Absolutely, a helpless romantic.

    Why? It feels good expressing your care with little surprises and actions. Using your imagination to design what surprise could be next.  Making the other person smile and happy.

    Real romance, the one that comes out naturally as an expression of your feelings for someone, is beautiful. Like art, it has no practical purposes but the enhancement of the soul.

  25. I do it cuz women LOVE it!

    I remember being in the North End of Boston (a very romantic place), buying roses at one corner store, then champagne at an adjacent corner store, then walking with my hands full down the street, with every woman smiling at me.

    Romance has a language all its own!

  26. Yes I am and it is because that is my long language.

  27. I think I would, but I don't have a girl friend or even a wife. I like to run naked in the  moonlight though, is that romantic?
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