
Are you a scorpio? Are you secretive? Do you hate being alone?

by Guest63885  |  earlier

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Do you sometimes take the wrong side of a subject just to get someone to say their opinion?

For example if you liked Obama, you would say "McCain would be a great president" to get the views of the person your talking to.




  1. i can be a lot of the time i don't really tell people what's on my mind because i know it would either scare them or they wouldn't understand. Yes i absolutely hate being alone i always have to be with someone, sometimes alone time is nice though like when i'm mad or sad i would much rather be left alone yes i think i do that because i'm interested in peoples opinions it doesn't mean i'll necessarily agree with what they say but i will say things to people to get what they really think about a subject out of them :)

  2. i am a scorpio and im very secretive and yes i like being alone and i love putting out my opinion and if someone doesnt like it i just go state my opinion even more untill it bugs them and if i like someone id say to the person i dont like "i dont like this person at all"

  3. scorp= yes

    secretive= can be depending upon subject

    alone= except for the times I want to be alone.. yes

    wrong side of subject= no, as usually a few well placed questions can reveal how people feel, and most know me on certain subjects and wouldn't beleive me if I flip flopped on say politics  

  4. very secretive...  i only hate being alone when there is no one i can call on...  selfish like that, i guess...

    and yes, i'm always testing people...  but rather than take a different side i ask the other person their opinion first...  then based on their response i decide whether or not i want to get into a real conversation and debate...  d**n, that sounds snooty..  

  5. I prefer being alone, which shows horoscopes obviously can't apply to everybody in the world.

    12 different kids of people in the world my eye!

  6. I am very secretive and have a pretty easy way of finding out information i want to know.  I dont think i would need to say something i dont believe in to find out what other people think. I can usually sense it and find the words to get it out of them.

  7. I am a scorpio female. I'm very secretive. I like being alone. No i don't fake my opinions. I love debating things. Also i hate when people don't listen to me. I get annoyed very easily. Especially if someone is singing off-key and i just woke up, ughhh that makes me mad.

  8. scorpio rising-

    im secretive and i like being alone alot

    not really into debates but i will definitely state my opinion on things

  9. im a scorpio rising i am very secretive. and at times i cant stand being alone. if i want to find out someones opinion ill just usually ask (but thats my sun sign, sagittarius, talking)

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