
Are you a sell fish or a selfish?

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Are you a sell fish or a selfish?




  1. i m not fish ler.. :p

  2. I am selfish... for a reason...   and

    I sell fish... for a living :)  heheee...

    ok tak alisya?  rhyme tak?

  3. I do not sell fish and I dont consider myself selfish so I'm either. :)

  4. ???????????????? whatever you want me to be

  5. Sometimes I become selfish..just to satisfy or defend myself.

  6. eat fish

  7. selling fish

  8. sorry i don't sell anything..

  9. i sell flower horn and sellfish

  10. I only eat fish... but I do sell fish as a part time job. And I sell them to the Crab farm (Gindy's dinner)  

  11. i sell KFC

  12. i selfish when sell fish....nak untung lebih...

  13. buaaaaaaaa bua bua buaaa buabua baa...

  14. i sell crab..

    PEACE =D

  15. For this question I will sell fish for you.

  16. i sell crab as part time job....

    cannot be selfish.. if not.. crab x laku

  17. i'm kind and generous

  18. sell fish

  19. pretty selfish i guess.

  20. sounds like a childish question..sorry  

  21. I fish for fish and smell of fish...

  22. I am selfish person in selling my fish.

  23. im towkay ikan.

  24. No, i am currently in Urination.

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