
Are you a sentimental person?

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and what is your sign?




  1. No i'm not that sentimental person. I can be sensetive sometimes.

  2. Hmm... I am in regards to some things.

    Books, film, art, music... I am easily moved by certain aspects of all of those mediums if they're done well. But I have high standards. It takes a really good book/movie/song to get me going emotionally.

    I'm also touched by movements, protests, and politics. Big speeches and philosophical grandeur can stir up my soul like nothing else. People standing up for similar ideals and each other. I love it.

    However, I'm not sentimental in relationships. I dislike romance, and I'm not "mushy" with my partners or friends. I think it's silly get worked up over birthdays and anniversaries.

    I am more likely to be moved by the abstract rather than the tangible; the bigger concepts rather than the people and events around me.

    Aaand that answer was way too long wasn't it? Sorry!

  3. Ha! How I scoff at cutesy sentimental stuff; so cheesy and lame!

    (But secretly, yes, I am sentimental; though probably more of a romantic than a sentimentalist.) Pisces.

  4. No I'm not sentimental.

    My sign is "Back Off".

  5. Yeah. But sentiment ain't enough in times of need


  6. Yes.  

    South Node in Scorpio.

  7. I really am. My moon in the first house makes me a real softy. I never show anyone though. One of my faults I guess...

    Virgo Sun

  8. Very much so, and a Sagitarius.

  9. Yes, very.


  10. lol, yes i am reallly sentimental. im a gemini. and i swear im not being sarcastic.

  11. I am sentimental to the extreme.


  12. To the point of tears.  I'm a Libra sun, which seems confusing because "Air" signs are typically more intellectual and less emotional.  But you have to consider more than a sun sign to understand an individual.  I have Scorpio in my mercury and venus signs, and I feel this "Water" sign brings out the intense passion in me that I often feel.  

  13. Capricorn.I'm not very sentimental,I'll even freak out or get awkward if someone is in a fit of emotion or crying near me.I can be cheesy when the moment permits though.

  14. Extremely so. I still hold on to things I've had since I was a baby. I have drawings from my childhood, and if they were to ever be destroyed, I'd feel that a part of myself was being destroyed.

    Libra Sun, Cancer Moon (A strong reason for my sentiment)

  15. yes libra

  16. Nope,not tat all..It makes everything waay too dramatic.


  17. quite, but i try not to think about anything that get me too sentimental or i'll break out into tears....and then it beceomes uncomfortable

    I used to be very sentimental (but i've curbed those tendencies), b/c that gave my dad power/an advantage over me.  I used to save/collect everythign people used to send to me like cards, notes, toys, etc......but whenever my dad aand I got into a big argument (which was often), he would sometimes take my things and throw them out like my old drawings and sometimes my barbies (cuz I pisss him off so much he didn't know what to do with himself)....and I would cry for hours over this day after day, until eventually you just stop cause you've run out of energy (to be sentimental) and tears alike....

  18. I can be but I don't like too much sentiment. It can drive me nuts after a while. I'm Capricorn.

  19. Very.

    I love sentimental things.

    If I could only choose to keep either my 80GB iPod or a paper with people's signatures on it, I would choose that piece of paper. Why? Because the person that I lve signed that paper and it means the world to me. And trust me, I love my iPod, so something must be absolutely precious to me, to choose it over the iPod.

    I'm a saggitarius.

  20. yes.cancer and you?

  21. Meh, not really.

    I can be, but most of the time I'm not.


  22. Pretty much no.


  23. No i don't think i am a sentimental person at all,and i'm just being very honest,and i think it might have something to do with my aquarius moon,because i can relate to it quite a bit.

  24. no im not sentimental at all

    sun gemini

    moon capricorn

  25. Yes,definitely


  26. yes virgo

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