
Are you a spirit medium ?

by  |  earlier

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Do you speak with or otherwise get communications from spirits?




  1. Yes, I do.  And actually the going term now for communicating spirits of the dead is Necropath (npath).  Unless you're grouping the rest of the lot together.

    Im or email me anytime,

    Blessed be

  2. Girl is pretty much right--there aren't many mediums around, mostly skeptics or invesitation teams that I've noticed.

    But yeah, I am a medium.

  3. Oh, I communicate with spirits alright... but only as long as it takes for the spirit to travel past by gums, swish around a bit, and get swallowed down :)

  4. Sometimes I talk to spirits of the dead,  I also talk to my whiskey, my vodka has a bad attitude  - were not speaking right now!

  5. I think you've just now gotten to the Paranormal Section.This goes to the General Category first where people from other sections see it and usually make light of this section. I don't think there are many real mediums. on here..maybe a few. I think most of them are busy going to "paranormal groups" and don't come here much. However, there are a lot of us who have had paranormal experiences,but aren't the kind of medium you're probably talking about. Sometimes we like to "try our hand" at it just for fun...(and to check our skills ..if we have any). I think if you hang around here you'll enjoy it and learn a lot. We do have skeptics on here too. Don't let them discourage you in trying to understand the paranormal. Welcome to the Paranormal Section!

    EDIT..Well..what were those thumbs down about???I'm trying to keep this person from running away screaming with frustration from this section!

  6. I do not.  Neither does anyone else.  They might delude themselves into the belief they are communicating with the dead, but there is no--and I mean absolutlely NO--evidence that anyone has ever communicated with the dead.

  7. We all channel Spirits a varied as those of rage, compassion, jealousy, kindness, hate, love, influenced by the other mediums of vice a virtue.  Anyone who even quotes the bible or any long dead sage, acts as a medium.  It's how you realize your place in eternity and your lot, carrying down the echoes of ages and rythms of sages.

  8. I am a spirit medium. I can communicate with Spirit.

  9. I talk to vodka sometimes...

  10. Hello Astral

    Yes, but I don't class myself as a Medium as I don't act as a channel for loved ones.

    I class myself as a Clairvoyant as I channel info & guidance direct from spirit.



    join ~ Practice Tarot. Psychic Development.

    Clairvoyancy. Hypnotherapy. Meditation.

    All Like Minded Folk Welcome

  11. Yes I communicate with spirits.





  12. Being on the chunky side, I'm more of a spirit extra-large.


    Girl - the thumbs-down are probably for having no sense of humour.

    This is an open forum - people are allowed to have opinions and ideas that run contrary to yours - that's the idea of a forum.

    Most people call this healthy debate - but you paranormals call it skepticism.

  13. I prefer a spirit treble, they say 'drink me, drink me.' and I say 'yes, I will drink you' so yes, I do communicate with spirits but I DON'T talk to dead people.

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