
Are you a stay at home Dad?

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  1. I have answered questions about this before,I always get a thumbs down,sometimes several,but here's my thoughts on this,It doesn't work,not for to long anyway,the woman will get jealous that the dad is at home with the kids,she will feel like she is missing something,I think that the motherly instinct is to strong to let a man do the traditional mom stuff,these feelings will breed resentment and the woman will lose respect for her husband for not being the breadwinner. As progressive as society has become in America I think that deep down women still want to be the full time caregiver to the kids and there is no way some guy is going to take that from her without her feeling resentment,I know I sound like a backwoods hick but from what Ive seen,it doesn't work out most of the time,so no way am I a stay at home dad and as long as I'm healthy enough to work I will never be a stay at home dad

  2. I stayed at home with my son for 11 years .. It made sense , his mother made good money .. and my business had just gone under ... Of course my son is now very close to me and has a lousy relationship with his mother ...who of course got custody after the divorce because she's a woman.

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