
Are you a stay-at-home mom? What do you do on your home computer?

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I'm an intern at a software company. My boss gave me an assignment that is one of the most challenging assignments I've ever had. The assignment is figuring out "what moms use their computer for". I'm a girl and will build a family at some point of my life. But.. at this moment.. I don't have much knowledge about this subject.. My mom doesn't use a computer much.. actually doesn't use it at all.. I can think of only a few things.. paying bills, shopping online, sending email.. Moms!! Can you tell me what you do on your computer at home?? both online and offline??




  1. honey I use the computer for everything except cooking, cleaning, and washing clothes...I love to read articles, look up information on how to do things, new recipes, you name it  I use it for that

  2. Confer with other moms on online mom sites, keep current with former friends through myspace or facebook, utilize recipe sites like, etc.

  3. I send email, do a little online shopping. Pay my bills. Talk to old friends. I belong to a parenting forum, a tropical fish forum. I download music, I upload and edit and send lots of pictures. I do answers. I play the daily games on yahoo. I read my newspaper.  

  4. I'm not a mom, but my sister is. She uses her computer to upload/edit photos from her digital camera and put them online. She also joins lots of "mommy" forums/boards, she looks up recipes and directions, she shops, she sells her kids' old clothes on Ebay, etc...

    Hope that helps a little.

  5. I am a mom of 3 children. I stay at home with them...for now. All 3 are going to be in school this year. I use my computer ALL the time! lol  I pay bills, order clothes and stuff for my family, talk to my friends/family, visit forums, listen to my music while I clean house, but the most important thing I do is I take online classes! I am working on my degree for Early Childhood Professionals. I am going to be a Preschool or Head Start teacher. I have 16 courses left, and I will finally have the degree I started on 11 years ago!

    I am sure there is more, but I can't think of any at the moment. =)

    Yep...upload photos, so I can share them easier with my family. I also love to play Spider Solitaire to pass the time.

  6. I am a stay-at-home mom of a 14 month old baby girl *my life* and I love every moment of it. We have a laptop and a desktop. I recently had my hubby move the desktop into the kitchen so I could easily use the computer while watching my daughter play.

    I use the computer for

    It is a great place to get information about how to care for those everyday bumps and boo-boos that my little one gets.

    I also use it for e-mail to stay in touch with family all over the US

    we use our webcams and they are able to chat with my daughter whenever they want. We also use it while daddy is at work as a way for him to "call home" and say hello to her.

    I do look up recipes every once and a while and also shop the sales online for children's clothing, etc.

    The most important thing that we as a family use the computer for I would say is keeping in touch. E-mailing info or just family news back and forth and managing our calendars online with


  7. Upload, edit, share pictures of the kids.  I made an easy website through tripod to keep the family on the east coast up to date.

    Email and myspace to keep in contact with family members, friends and old coworkers.  Lots of pics of the kids here too.

    Find recipes to try out on the family.  

    Look up reviews of toys that my kids saw on TV and are begging for.  Surprising that some of the crud comes back with some really great reviews.

    Itunes for music, both for myself and the kids.  

    Kids like to visit sites like and  There is some really great educational software out there for kids.  We have several & the kids love them.

    Look for ideas about keeping a more organized home (I'm a new SAHM, even though the kidlets are 7 and 5).

    Mindless internet surfing too.

  8. i pay bills, e mail, Yahoo answers, and sometimes check the latest news, also if i need coupons i print them out. and look up things i need to know. i wish there was a legit job on line, but so far no go.  

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