
Are you a teen mom????

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I am a 17 year old mom...I have a beautiful 6 month old baby girl and she is my heart. She has taught me that I need to be responsible now in life..for her and for me.My mom and my dad kicked me out of the house the moment they heard I was pregnant.I had no where to go...but then my boyfriend said his mom and dad would take me in and raise me like their own child...and now they are.I am living with my boyfriend and his parents.His mom understands what I am going through because she was pregnant at the age of 16.His parents mean allot to me.Dang they are more like my parents then my real parents were...yes they ground me...but no they don't hit me or anything like that like my real parents did..I hate my real parents...they hate me..its a fair game.But my baby girl means everything to me and she has really turned my life around and made me realize that I made a big decision having her.I don't go to school anymore and my boyfriend doesn't either but we both have part time jobs so we can take care of our precious baby girl...we love her.So my question is...are you a teen mom???I would like to hear ur story!




  1. I'm not a teen mom.

    Do you not go to school anymore because you finished(graduated, got a GED?) If you don't have that, you need to get it.

    Do you plan on mooching off of your boyfriends parents your whole life?

    I also suggest a community college, because you will make a lot more money with a degree.

    Two part time jobs is not enough to support yourselves.

    I'm sorry, but it sounds like you've got a very long and rough life ahead of you and it doesn't seem you have it all planned out.

  2. YES I am a teen mom, since i was 16.... Im 19 now and have a gorgeous michievous little 3year old!!! My mam found out first I was pregnant, I just told her straight out... She was more in shock than anything but did support mr, she was brilliant! But when my dda found out he freaked altogether, I was so afraid I told him that the dad was someone else cos i was afraid of wat my dad would do to my booyfriend! the other guy ended up getting the c**p kicked out of him (mind you he deserved it for othr reasons)... I know that sounds terrible but he deserved it.... anyway, when he had calmed down i told him who the dad really was and his parents were fully supportive, they were great, gave us everything we needed, when his parents wanted to meet mine, it was my mam that had to meet them my dad refused to speak to them..... this went on for months untill outr daughter was born... Even when she was born he wouldnt hold her till a few weeks after but as soon as he did his heart melted! It was still a while before he spoke to my boyfriend, but now he loves him more than i do!!! LOL! throughout everything both parents have been great (minus my dad a the start)! In every single way they were great! Me and boyfriend are still together, and I couldnt be without him! We were living together for two years but things got tough money wise, Inever retuned to school either, the school wouldnt allow me because I would be setting a bad example, ridiculous really, prevented me from getting my full education! I did a course ion college though and am now working part time, as is my boyfriend full time in a trade and things are getting better for us! Our little girl is a handfull and part of me whishes that i had waited til i was older because my teen years and twenties have been snatched away!! my fault though and to be honest I wouldnt change her for anything! shes my baby and thats all that matters (saying that she is now screeching in my ear) :) What your parents did to you is disgracefull i think and no matter what happens you should support your child, i bet you wouldnt do that to your littl baby! School aswell isnt everything, i think if your happy with your life then stay at it, lots of people cant say they like their lives and they could have no kids and a college degree!!! people that put down teen moms are unfair in doing so, I can cope and look after my child the same way a woman in her 30s could! and i bet your the same! with all the support we had it did make things a lot easier, since then my boyfriends father died and that has been a blow to our lives, thrown us off board a little bit, but we know hes supporting us in the same way he always did by watching over us!! There a positive way of looking at everything, i wish you the best in life, for you, your daughter and your partner! x*x

  3. I was technically a teen mother. I was pregnant at 19. It all started when I left home at 16 and moved in with my boyfriends family. Then at 17 we got our own apartment and I graduated from high school early. I got a wonderful job at 18, where I make more money than most adults I know. My husband and I got pregnant at 19 and we had our baby. I am pregnant again and I am 20. Will be 21 when we have the baby. I am 6 weeks 5 days pregnant.  

  4. I am 18 & I have 3 beautiful children & expecting a 4th one in December. I am single-the father left me, however I could not be more blessed!

    I love my children, I never was able to graduate highschool--however I work at mcdonalds as reasurant manager in maryland. I make minimum its better then nothing. My parents kicked me out of the house after my second child--so we me & my children rent a room in the local town house. I really enjoy my life & I think thats important.

    1st child-Mayson 4 years old.

    2nd child- Serra 3 years old

    3rd child- Camara 1 year old

    4th child- Brinkten due in december

    good luck with ur child!  

  5. I was, yes. I fell pregnant with my eldest when I was 17 too. I was lucky that my parents, though angry at first, were ok after a while but I still moved out. My then boyfriend and I got a small house together-I kep on at school and he got a full time job.

    My son is now 11, going on 12 and has 2 younger brothers. he unfortunately hasn't seen his father in 8 years though.

    Make sure you get your education sorted-even if it is night classes. And congratulations for turning your life around! Just make sure you stay that way!!

  6. hi, I'm not a teen mom,  but I know alot of teen moms. This is just a suggestion.  If you want to further your career why not take a home course. Hear me out, you love your little girl and all but what "if" you have another one part-time jobs wont support you all and what if you are ready to move out?..I say take a home course maybe. I mean not saying your boy firends parents will kick you out but you will start feeling like you need more space. but that's just me it's just a suggestion.
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