
Are you a teenager when youre 18 and 19?

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ive heard people say '18 means your an ADULT!' but i mean...its called eightTEEN! and nineTEEN!....idk. what do you think?

what would you consider an 18 or 19 year old? teenager? adult? young adult? idk...i still think that they are teens. what do you think?!




  1. Depends on the person

    Im 17 and people think im quite mature and treat me like an adult

    But ive met 20 year olds who have the mind of a 16 year old

    But legally you are an adult at 18

  2. But they end in the phrase "TEEN" hence, you are a TEENager.  

  3. 18 ends in "teen," so yes.

  4. I know a lot of "young adults" that are still teenagers.  If you're in your teens, you're a teenager.

  5. Techinically. You're considered more of a "Young Adult" at 18-19.

  6. You're old enough to die and kill for your country in the U.S..  Though, oddly enough, not to drink alcohol in the U.S.  So, you can do, experience, suffer, and commit unspeakable things that twist your mind and destroy your spirit, but you can't legally have a beer.

    Weird, eh?

  7. As long as the word "teen" is still a part of the age, you're still a teenager.  Nonetheless, 18 and 19 are ages where people can legally live on their own and vote.  Teens that are this age are, as you stated, "young adults.

  8. i still class them as teenagers for the same reason as you. by law they are still a junior. look at work they are classed as a junior till they are 21. but since they are out of school and able to take on a position they are classed as an adult as they dont need any parental permission.

    i would still say they are young up untill they get a maturity level and for some people they never grow out of it.

  9. Teenager is 13-19. You become a legal adult for certain things at 18, but you still are technically a teenager. Any number ending in "teen" of course implies you are a teenager. 18 and 19 are often referred to as "late teens."

  10. I think that if it says the word "teen" in there, then you're still a teenager. Also, a lot of kids at that age are still VERY mentally immature. I remember from being that age once myself. A lot of things implying that once you hit a certain age such as 18 for p**n and 19 for drinking in Canada NEED to be moved up in the age limits. Those ages are still immature kids in a lot of peoples eyes and it's pretty sick to allow kids to legally get drunk and have s*x at such young ages. h**l, even a lot of the people that I know who are around my age (in their 20's) don't even know how to act responsible yet, so how can a TEENAGER do it legally? That's just my opinion.

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