
Are you a theistic apathist?

by  |  earlier

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You know, one of those people who do not care if there is a god or not?




  1. yeah,,i'm something like that

  2. Absolutely!  I could care less if there is a god or not.

  3. I guess that would be an apt description of my feelings. Only irrefutable proof would make me care.

  4. Anyone who's on R&S is most likely not apathetic towards religion. Why would they be here if they don't care at all about the subject?

  5. No. Like all true atheists, I'm genuinely interested in the search for what's true and real, even if that search eventuates in the discovery of a Creator. So far, however, that search has given us no reason to believe in the existence of any sort of god whatsoever.

  6. I REALLY don't believe in a god.I also really don't care if there is one.I live my life as best as I can now.If I'm wrong,and there is a god,it will just have to do as it sees fit.I did my best here

  7. No, not at all..

    I'll explain.  First, I can't even imagine there not being a rhyme and reason for us being here.  I don't believe we, or the Universe, are just accidents.  I believe it was all a plan.

    Just look around you - hear the birds singing/flying south - I wonder how they know to fly in perfect formation..

    The miracle of conception and birth - that in itself shows me there's a loving creator..

    Just the way things seem to fit into perfect patterns, the tides, the days and nights, the wonder of nature.. I could go on and on -

    I also have experienced personal miracles after the chips were down, and I was out, and I asked for help, that all of these just help me realize yes there is.  To not imagine, or even think we have one would be naive.  There are no certainties.  And even Jesus wants us to ask questions..  There's proof to me all around..

    Just keep an open mind, but I love my atheist friends because they're good people, and that's what I count on, and look for.


  8. I seem to be heading there.

  9. No, I truly do not believe in god(s).


  10. no.....

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