
Are you a top or bottom?

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Are you a top or bottom? Do you know from sexual experience? If you've never had s*x, how can you know? I'm a virgin, though I'm not sure if I'm a complete top or bottom maybe in the middle. Is there a question I can ask myself to help figure that one out? :-]




  1. i like being on the bottom just to give the person on the top some feeling of control. Plus, i like to sit back and enjoy the ride:)

  2. I guess I'm a top. I love getting sucked, not so much into sucking but I love making out and kissing. Jacking off together is lots of fun.

  3. How about you just try it and go from there :)

  4. will only know if you find out

  5. Bottom for sure.

  6. I'm versatile. ;) Either or, neither nor, not a w***e? =P

  7. In anal s*x, i like to try both ways (versatile) and sometimes i try to determine which role or position i like the most. So far, i'm 50-50 with both positions.

    In oral s*x, i like to be the taker (bottom) because i love looking up at my partner and watching his eyes roll in the back of his head while i'm performing oral s*x on him.

  8. Get a pickle and place a condom on it....have some 'fun' wit it, I think you'll have somewhat of an answer then

  9. i like both. from experience.

  10. I'm hoping you understand the difference. either you like getting it or you like giving it, the same with your partner. you partner is usually the opposite from you but doesn't have to be. it what you like you'll figure out threw experience. maybe you'll like it both ways, but you'll prefer one over the other. Its what you like.  good luck and don't rush it.  

  11. Well i guess it depends on what you like when you have s*x a few times.  I was a bottom in my first relationship which was over a year and a half.  Then my second one I was the top, and now the one I'm in now I am a bottom.  It all depends on the guy your with or if you can stand having someone penetrate you.  I know it hurts my boyfriend alot to bottom for me.  I tried once to no avail.  I wouldn't worry about it too much.  You'll probably be a bottom the first time, depending on who you do it with.  If your more of the "female" role in a relationship than you'll probably be the bottom, if your more macho and the "male" in the relationship than you'll probably be the top.

    Personally I love being the bottom I get double the please and double the fun.

    Hope I helped.

  12. I would just ask your boyfriend what he prefers.

  13. im a top..i figured it out the first time i had s*x and i didnt like being a bottom.  

  14. When I started to go out with men at 19 I was not really into the sexual aspect of it all: a simple kiss or making out or cuddling naked was more than enough. Growing up I've found out that I really enjoy to bottom when I'm with the right guy. Topping is not really my thing I suppose...

  15. I don't know.  I'm a 20 year old virgin with boys and girls.  But when it comes to what I'll do with guys.  Man I wanna go vers so that he can have it his way like burger king.  Receiving is great but giving is greater.  You gotta give if you wanna receive.  

  16. Haha, I don't really know since I've never had s*x. Guess I'll find out soon enough. :P

  17. Im outgoing and dont care so honestly i will say im a bottom...well then again i havent COMPLETELY tried top..when i did i was stoned and right when i got everything "Situated" he said he couldnt do it bottom. He was bi-sexual (supposedly...he was just a s**t who liked ******* anyone) but anyways it felt good i guess for the 5 seconds but i myself really like bottom. it hurts a few times...only been with 3 people (in 2 years) and it still hurts in the begining but then it feels really good...

  18. throwin' up now

  19. I think I'm a top, but I'm pretty much a virgin. I don't know, I guess one is just sure of these things from intuition, and if you aren't, try both :)

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