
Are you a vegetarian? Why or why not?

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Are you a vegetarian? Why or why not?




  1. No, I am not a vegetarian. I was one for about four years, but i found the entire time i was tired. My skin was always extremely pale, and i got the shakes often. I found it hard to eat the soy products, because they have a disturbing taste. Its extremely hard to get proper nutrients like protein when your a vegetarian, and when i was a vegetarian i was in my teen years and i found i barely grew. In grade eight I was 4'10", and i come from a tall family, and here i am, ending high school, barely 5'2".

    Also, it's very hard to determine what food contain meats and animal by-products. Foods like jell-o, ketchup, even Caesar salad dressing contain animal by-products.

    So now i eat meat, but only white meat and the occasional burger. I don't have to worry about there being meat or broth in a food I'm eating, and i have a health glow to my skin. About two months after i began eating meat again i grew an inch and a half, and i look and feel healthier.

  2. No, I'm not. I enjoy meat, all kinds of it. It's how I was raised.

    However, there are plenty of vegetarians, and seemingly more every day. Which is fine. As long as they don't try to change me, I'll do the same and have respect for them whether veganism be their chosen or natural way of life.

    I grew up being given meat for meals and now choose to continue to eat meat and still enjoy it. If you are considering becoming a vegetarian, good for you for doing your research. Happiness and health to you whichever you choose.

  3. Vegan, because animals shouldn't be tortured for our taste buds. I have yet to hear a convincing reason to eat meat or dairy.

  4. I'm not, but I want to because I think killing animals or abusing chickens like KFC does is a horrible thing to do. But I just can't give up meat. I know it's a habit though.

  5. im a vegan.

    because i don't believe we should be allowed to kill animals for worthless a reason as to statisfy our tastebuds, when we can live perectly healthy without it. and that no creature should be born into a tortured shortened life. to me it is unnecessary violence and death.

    and there is also the plus of a vegan lifestyle being healthier and better for the environment

    vic: you sound like a very down to earth meathead, :)

    its nice to see how you can respect veghead views.

  6. Yes.

    I don't like the taste, smell, texture or look of meat.

    It's healthier

    It's better for the environment

    It can be cheaper (depending on what I buy)

    My farts don't stink (I swear, they don't)

    Most importantly: I LOVE ANIMALS. Why would I want to eat/kill one?

  7. No, I enjoy meat too much to give it up. Many of the health benefits of the vegetarian diet are exaggerated. They compare vegetarians to everyone else that is not. This is unfair, because many non-vegetarians really don't try to eat a balanced diet, so they have a very negative effect on the comparison. If two people each took the same care with their diet, and one was a vegetarian, and the other was not, there would be no real difference health wise.

    Vegetarianism is a personal choice. If that's what you want for yourself, I wish you well at it. I just ask that you remember I have the same right to choose my own diet.

  8. i am not a vegetarian because for one i just like the tast but also its kinda silly to not eat a hamburger because it was once an animal especaily now since it is already dead and will only be a waste if not consumed. also eating animals can't be wrong because its the natural order in the animal kingdom.

  9. No, I am not vegetarian. I believe that eating meat is part of the whole life cycle on earth. Our ancestors wouldn't have been able to survive without meat, so eating it just seems natural. I do not like it when animals are bred and raised inhumanely for their meat, so I am very aware of only eating it from humanely raised livestock, living within 200 miles of my house.

  10. i am a vegan because i don't believe we should depend on animals and i feel really bad for them.

  11. Im not, because meat is satisfying to me and its filling. But that doesent mean I dont like veggie food. I like all food. I dont have to be vegetarian to eat veggie food.

  12. I'm a vegetarian because it's the right thing to do. Animals weren't meant for us to eat, so we don't have the right to them. It's wrong. Meat isn't healthy. and because i'm a vegetarian, i'm not shitting on the planet :)

  13. Heck no...

    Mainly for the reason that, when I was around 10 years old, my mom went through a vegetarian phase.

    Unfortunately, this meant I was subjected to things like nutburgers, endless salads and other healthy stuff - not always welcomed by little kids.

    Now, I was never a heavy child, never really into excessive junk foods...but having to deal with her phase when I was little pretty much turned me off to becoming a vegetarian.

  14. I keep trying to be a vegetarian, but I often forget because eating meat is like a habit - I just don't notice it anymore.

    I try because it has benefits to me and to the animal world.

    I definitely boycott KFC though. Pam convinced me!

  15. Maybe not 100% vegetarian, but very much leaning that way.

    Because Man was not designed to eat animals, Meat eating animals have short digestive system to get rid of raw meats from their system before it rots, Man has a long digestive system, like other plant eating animals.  We have adapted to eating animals from cooking it, but still have many health problems from eating animals.  

    Anyone that thinks we were meant to eat other animals, I would challenge them to do as other meat eating animals do, go out, catch an animal with their hands, kill it with their hands, remove it's flesh with their hands, and then  eat it, not cook it, just eat it.  Or at least go to their local food store and buy a raw chicken or pork roast, bring it home, and eat it, not cook it, just eat it.  Meat eating animals eat all their meats raw, why can't man?  Because we're not mean't to be meat eaters, man has the digestive system and body type as plant eating animals do!

    Teeth, Claws, Digestive system, etc.

  16. nope. i'm a vegan. because meat is gross.

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